Friday, August 21, 2009


This blog has been advertised as comments about life, randomness, theology, pondering, vision, fun, etc. It's about whatever pops into my brain on a given day, which could be dangerous.

Some days it seems like rambling, I'm sure, but it's rarely that. Sometimes it is processing things out loud - not to elicit a particular response or test any particular waters.

Other than talking about my new grandson - ELIAS KEVIN THULIN (see August 13-14 blogs) - of late it has been more about open-wide thinking and vision and direction - like today.

We've driven some evangelical and theological stakes into the ground down thru the years - often we've tied our success as churches to these.

For instance, I am convinced that people need Christ's atonement for their sin and that they need to personally deal with God --- but I am not convinced that 'praying the prayer' is the main focus of every weekend in church. What would happen if we would focus more on providing a pathway conducive for the Holy Spirit to convert the person and let it happen on that timetable, whether or not they actually ever 'prayed the official prayer' or not?

I am not convinced we need to focus on who is going to heaven and who isn't, but how to help people find heaven.

I am not convinced that sermons or programs transform people. Maybe a good, strategic talk at the pub or the office lunch break room would do more to influence the heart of a person.

I am not convinced that we should be so concerned with people sinning. Don't get me wrong. I'm all about holiness, but I'm talking about not focusing so much on behavior and focusing on winning some hearts instead. Behavior will follow.

Any thoughts?

And be blessed.


Darren said...

i would agree that the more we can allow the holy spirit to do his work, the better. often, our ideas, however genuine, simply get in the way. WE are not the judge so it seems interesting that we have defined a special prayer or moment when one is 'saved'...who are we to say 'when' one is saved? let's allow the holy spirit to work and the behavior will follow. our efforts should be poured into 'helping people find heaven'. we can't make the choice for someone else, but sometimes that is what our 'salvation moments' or 'special prayers' do - they force along a process that the holy spirit should be leading - not us.
the way i see it, it's easy to fake being a christian, but it is very difficult to suppress one's true relationship with christ. if one is truly a christ-follower, there will be no doubt. the less we manufacture the process, the more genuine christ followers we'll see. (in my opinion)

PK's BLOG said...

That being said, I won't be giving up on 'the prayer' any time soon, probably. I just won't put all the stock in it to prove one way or the other who has committed themslves and who has not.

Mrs. M said...

I agree PK. I am one of those people who don't remember saying 'the prayer' but I do remember that at some point during the summer when I was 14 I found a relationship with the Lord and it changed my life forever. I think a lot of people these days say 'the prayer' and then are like..."now what?" We not only need to show them the NARROW path...but also disciple them. It doesn't stop with 'the prayer'...that's only the beginning! Matthew 7:13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.