Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today the weekend talk was about one of the Names of God - JEHOVAH-NISSI, the Lord our Banner.

The Name comes from Exodus 17 where the Israelites are fighting those pesky Amalekites - and there is Moses standing up on the hill to their right - they can SEE Him up there. And he's holding this really big stick. According to one translation it is the 'Walking Stick of God!' WOW!

And as long as Moses keeps the 'Walking Stick of God' held high, the Israelite forces are victorious. But whenever the stick begins to sag, the Amalekites begin to win. And Aaron and Hur are there to hold up Moses' arms when they start getting tired.

And it was almost like their winning the battle was directly related to that pole being UP or DOWN and whether they could SEE it or not. That's right. In the same way, your future victory in life is directly related to how closely you can SEE your banner, JEHOVAH-NISSI … because He is your strength ... your power ... your victory.

You are in a war in 2008. Every day of your life, you’re in a great fight. And Amalek represents our enemy, who is active against God's people in EVERY generation. He wants to destroy you and the WORK of God in your life.

He knows when and where you are weak and he won’t hesitate to strike at your most vulnerable point or play unfairly with you. He will attack you when you’re down and weak – he will go after your soft spot – he will hit your Achilles heel with no mercy whatsoever. But GOD wants you to know that HE, Jehovah-Nissi, is your banner – because the battle is coming near when you least expect it.

So … what is your battle right now? Depression? Alcohol? Drugs? Pornography? Bitterness? Loneliness? Cancer? Nicotine? Hopelessness? Relationships? Employment? Threats of bankruptcy or foreclosure on a home? If I haven't named your particular battleground, just fill in the blank. YOU know what you are at war with and YOU know that in the heat of battle it is hard to see the victory. The devil knows that, too.

So, here’s what to DO. Call on Jehovah-Nissi. Raise your hands in prayer the way Moses did. Don't you GIVE UP. Jehovah-Nissi is your banner. And when you’re getting tired – and you WILL – ask someone in your small group to HOLD YOUR HANDS UP FOR YOU - ask them to steady the banner so it doesn't sag - ask them to carry a few of your personal bricks for you. (NOTE: Are you IN a small group?)

Trust Jehovah-Nissi that the outcome of your battle will be the same as it was for Moses and the Israelites - victory. There will always be war; don't be surprised by that. But HE will win the fight for you. Jesus says, "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33).

He is JEHOVAH-NISSI, the Lord your banner.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, I would like to definitely encourage anyone who is not in a small group to join one! When I joined, I decided to give it 3 tries and then decide and I LOVED it! My friends are like family and I love them dearly.

Also, I think sometimes I can be rather naive about the battle I am in. My biggest battle would be to always feel God's love. I can't even fathom how much He loves me. It's hard to wrap my mind around it. I keep praying about it and there are times when I know it without a doubt. It makes me feel so good and as if I can do anything for Him! :) I am so grateful for the Lord's grace, mercy and love.