Monday, July 7, 2008


Here is a free friend assessment I found while reading a book simply titled, "GOD." Coincidentally, it is also the title of the summer weekend series we're in right now - no connection otherwise.

To gauge the 'freeloading quotient' of your best buds, place an "X" next to any of the phrases below that characterize your friends ...

1. "Are you gonna eat that?"

2. "You know, refills are free here ... so ... you done with your cup?"

3. "You own a truck, right?"

4. "So, what are you doing the last Saturday of this month?" (Numbers 3 and 4 are typically used in tandem.)

5. "Dude, do you mind giving me a ride to the DMV?"

6. "It's nothing permanent. I just need a place to crash for the next couple of days ... I mean weeks ... I mean months."

7. "Do you mind getting this one? I'll pick up the next one."

8. "Would it be cool if I used your iPod for my trans-European backpack trip?"

9. "Yes, I borrowed your jacket without asking ... no, I did not smoke while I was wearing it ... and yes, as far as I know, you can get blood out of anything these days."

10. "Hey, can you hold for just a minute?" (Unspoken: " ... while I take these next six calls from people I like better than you?")

OK - now it's time to judge -- oops! -- I mean RATE your friends. Count '1' point for each characterization above that applies and see below ...

0-3 - You have great friends you can trust with your stuff. Congratulations. Feel free to loan them your weed whacker this weekend.

4-7 - You have some great friends but odds are your weed whacker is ALREADY in one of their garages.

8-10 - Friends? With friends like these ... they no longer have your weed whacker. They just sold it on eBay.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post is ironically pertinent to why my policy is to never 'loan' anything out. If its a book, I'd be happy to buy 'you' one... if its a movie, I'd be happy to watch it with 'you'...

I find it interesting that those who borrow and don't return come from ALL backgrounds... saint and sinner alike.

SO... since it says somewhere in scripture that if I loan something to someone, and they do not return it, I shouldn't ask for it to be return (my paraphrase), I employ a personal policy of not loaning things out... because even the best of friends can be tempted to become a 'freeloader'!