Saturday, May 10, 2008


I've been out for a few days because we are spending the weekend in Minneapolis where both our elder daughters graduated from University the same school year. Only one actually walked the aisle on Friday - (the other officially graduated in December) - and the other was named "Outstanding Graduate of the Year" in her major. So it was all very exciting and we're very proud.

Now it's onward and upward. And by that I mean - it's time for them both to venture out on their own (which they're already doing) - into a world waiting to see what they can/will do. I'm waiting to see too. I know it's going to be good.

I'm reading a book right now that has become my prayer for them - and for us all - that we would be energized with some life characteristics that would cause us to be what we were intended to be. Qualities like:

Courage -- because it takes real COURAGE to be bonafide follower of Christ in 2008. It is not a wimpy faith at all. And we need COURAGE and confidence to face our worst fears head-on and know that we never need to fear because God is with us ... and with Him, nothing is impossible. So, COURAGE.

Discipline -- because it takes real DISCIPLINE to succeed and reach our goals. We have to have it to reach our spiritual goals, our relational goals, our family goals, our business goals, our physical goals and our financial goals. Nothing lasting ever got accomlished without it. So, DISCIPLINE.

Vision -- because it takes real VISION to be a person who really makes a difference and VISION is hard work. Life is just a series of difficulties, problems, challenges, trials and disappointments to be tackled. But if we have VISION, then none of those will get us down or defeat us. We will only see them as opportunities ... rivers to be forded, mountains to be scaled, deserts to be crossed -- and on the other side we have become bigger, better, smarter, tougher, more compassionate people -- and it gives us space to let GOD be GOD in our lives. So, VISION.

Endurance -- because it takes real ENDURANCE to keep going forward. What have you quit in your life that you regret quitting because you simply did not endure? If you want your dreams to happen, then get ENDURANCE.

Character -- because it takes real CHARACTER to do anything significant in God's Kingdom. This is the ultimate "I want to be like Jesus" quality in a world that knows less-and-less of it. "Christian," "little Christ," "Christ-like," -- those descriptions of us all scream CHARACTER. Fortunately, Christ is not tight-fisted when it comes to developing it in us. He badly wants to see it happen. So, CHARACTER.

So then, daughters (and all of us out there) - courage - discipline - vision - endurance - character -- my prayer for us all.

And be blessed.

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