Thursday, November 2, 2017


The Bible is pretty clear that one of the worst things you can do in marriage is let the sun go down on your wrath.  You'll lay in bed that way and she'll lay in bed this way and a bad root will begin to grow ... fast.

You'll say, 'She doesn't respect me - the way she treats me - she doesn't honor me .  . . '
She'll be doing the same on her side of the bed about him and the root of bitterness will grow and grow and grow and grow in opposite directions in each of their hearts.

The Bible says not to let that happen.  It says to attack that spirit.  Don't go to bed angry.  With all your might, resolve that before you lie down.  Because it will grow while you're sleeping.

That means, in that moment -- if your wife is facing this way and you're facing that way and it's 10:30pm, 11pm, midnight, and she's 99.999% of the blame -- because let's face it, she probably is -- it falls on YOU, sir, to roll over, tap her on the shoulder and say, 'I don't want to go to bed angry.  I need to apologize . . . for my .001%.'

And just for the record ... I wouldn't use numbers.

'I know you're angry about what happened.  I am, too.  But I need to apologize for how I responded earlier - how I handled that whole thing.  I didn't respond in love.  I reacted.  I said some things I didn't mean.  I'm so sorry.  I need to ask forgiveness.'

That doesn't mean the whole thing is solved.  It just means the root of bitterness that wants to lodge itself in the depth of your souls while you sleep just got cut off.

The initiative is on you to be the peacemaker in your home, to fight for your wife's healing, to fight for your family's wholeness, because Jesus initiated and fought for you -- and He didn't even have .001% of the blame.

And be blessed.

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