Saturday, July 15, 2017


'Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made by the church.'  (Acts 12:5)

Earnest prayers.  That means without stopping.  Not some two-minute prayer in your life group -- not some add-on prayer around the supper table -- it was the desperate, passionate prayer of the church saying, 'We feel powerless, but we know how to pray.'

Many of us feel powerless against the world's system -- powerless against the notice in the mail from the lending institution - the IRS - powerless against the voicemail from the doctor.

Good news:  Prayer isn't powerless.

In fact, when we feel powerless, prayer is most powerful.

I hear this often:  'I pray.  I pray here and there in short spurts.  It works for me that way.  I pray in my car on the way to work.  I pray in my small group.  I take a couple of extra minutes on my break during the day to pray.  I pray with my family before bed at night.'

That's all great.  Keep doing that.  Don't stop.  But it has to work so God is moved, not so you're satisfied.

There are times in our lives - seasons sometimes - when we feel powerless and when God calls us to pray desperate, bold, passionate prayers.

Prayer isn't powerless.

And be blessed.

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