Tuesday, September 27, 2016


During September I'm blogging each day about one thing I've learned from 35 years of doing ministry.  Nothing about it is rocket science -- they're just tips that have served me well these past three decades.

Lesson #24 - Leave something on the floor.

You're gonna love this one.

It's been one of the hardest lessons for me to learn over the years.  Mostly because I'm pretty sure I'm brilliant.  I'm also the only one who's 'pretty sure' about that.

This is great instruction for your preaching -- for conversation -- for email and texting -- for advice giving and counsel -- for communicating with a friend or a spouse -- you name it.

You have all this amazing, not to mention cool insight you want to pass on to everyone who obviously knows much less than you.  It all really needs to be said - preached - shared - measured out - spewed - vomited.

Yeah, you probably need to learn to leave 90% of that on the floor.

And be blessed.

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