Saturday, October 31, 2015


I've been silent here on the SCOTUS 5-4 decision regarding the gay marriage thing.  I think I just wanted it all to die down a little rather than risking an ungodly gut reaction, particularly in print.

Weeks later ... here goes.

The first thing that must be said is that God's plan - beautiful and divine - is that a marriage covenant be between one man and one woman.  Supporting anything else is an assault to the Gospel of Christ.

Can we not still accept gay folks without hounding them about their choice?  Is it possibly to actually and truly love individuals without approving their lifestyle?  A bigger question may be:  Are they able to love us back knowing that we believe differently?  Why does the world equate hate with disagreement, even when it's done with great care and kindness?

Whatever we do, our spiritual compass cannot swing to line up with what culture believes, condones and supports.  It must remain with Christ as True North.

'Our spiritual compass must remain with Christ as True North.'

When we move True North, we rob the unbeliever of the very thing that will bring him to new life.  And if we condone the things God said we should avoid and flee, we have made the cross of Christ completely unnecessary.

Why are we afraid to stand for truth?  Even as I write this, I wonder what the downside repercussion of it might be.  I don't want to hurt my church - I don't want to offend gay people who might love attending there - I don't want to upset conservative believers - and yet above all, I don't want to offend God.

I think the toughest thing in this whole conversation is the issue of sin.  Sometimes it's hard to come right out and call a thing sin - even when it's what it is - because once you call something sin, you deal with it differently than you would deal with, say, a behavior.  I don't go around celebrating my sin.  I don't wave banners about my sin.  I don't print up decals about my sin.  I don't put up Facebook posts about the positive effects of my sin.  I repent of my sin and celebrate the redemption, forgiveness and freedom I have in Jesus because of His goodness on the cross.

Does anybody see the difference?

And be blessed.


Unknown said...

VERY WELL SAID !! YOU TOOK A EXTREMELY DIFFICULT subject & spelled everything out , and hopefully managed to do it without upsetting anyone...
see ya tomorrow,

Anonymous said...

Love it...

Unknown said...

Good stuff PK.

Unknown said...

Very well put! Amen!