Monday, February 23, 2015


Woman should submit to their husbands - not just in some things, but in everything.  EVERYTHING!!

Made ya look, didn't I?

Actually, that's in the Bible, so I'll not retract it - but that statement is kind of assuming the husband she's submitting to is loving her sacrificially.  Pretty easy to submit to that kind of dude.

Jesus told us dudes to love our wives the way He loves the church.  He died for the church.

So between the two of us, you have it easy, lady.  You just have to submit.  We dudes have to die.

Seems fair.

You have to die, or your marriage won't work.
If you're going to hit your 50th anniversary, you have to die.
You have to die or you're going to fall out over the silliest little things.

'You have to die or your marriage won't work.'

Marriage won't work until a dude dies.

Every now and then that selfish wild nature inside us kicks in and you have to kill it again - and if you don't, it'll destroy you and what you have.

So Jesus died.

The problem with us dudes is - instead of dying, we want to give stuff.

'Here's the credit card, honey.  Get yourself something nice.'
'Do I love you?  Sure, I do.  I got us this house, didn't I?'

Christ gave Himself.

I'm talking about you - not your organs.  I'm talking about you.  I'm talking about your guts - your thoughts - your fears - your tears - your emotions - your passions - your male intensity.  She wants you standing at the gate of your house with your arms and legs spread, fighting back the enemy from your doorstep for her.

She wants your everything, dude.

Jesus showed us how by giving Himself.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

How funny....I just finished chatting with my daughter and I decided to check the blog out. Well, PK...welcome back!

The first thing I thought when I read your first paragraph is that's why I'm not married. Submission and I don't seem to agree, lol.

Maybe I am the wrong person to comment on this blog post since I am single...however, that has never stopped me before...haha.

Seriously, it must be equally hard for both a husband and wife to adhere to this on both sides. I know there is a reason for it, though. Everything has it's trade-offs, but I am glad I am happily single. I think that choosing to remain single is just as valid as being paired. Even Paul said so... :)

Anonymous said...

great messsage P. Kevin. too many times this message is preached without to women without the husbands role being defined. When both the husband and teh wife are "cooperating" things can go much smoother!