Thursday, August 14, 2014


Our pastoral team was part of the Willow Creek Leadership Conference today at Park Community Church in Chicago.  Throughout the day, church and business leaders came forward to speak about elements of leadership and how we can better ones.

Here are some great outtakes from the day:

BILL HYBELS - Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church:
'We must cultivate the capacity to learn from a kaleidoscopic variety of leaders.'

'Leaders with the highest level of vision often have the lowest level of awareness regarding the team they have assembled to accomplish it.'

'What God treasures most in this world is people - even more than vision.'

'Your culture will only be as healthy as the senior leader wants it to be.'

'Everybody wants to know: "Am I adding value?"'

'Everybody wins when a leader gets better.'

'There must be a ruthless commitment to resolving relational conflict no matter how scary it seems.'

'The grander the vision, the greater the price tag.'

CARLY FIORINA - Former CEO of Hewlett-Packett / Chairman of Good360:
'Every organization (individual) has more potential than is ever tapped.'

'Human potential is the greatest resource we have.'

'The highest calling of leadership is to unlock the potential of others.'

'Leaders change the order of things.'

'An organization can't reach its potential unless the people inside it reach theirs.

'A true leader approaches his task with a servant's heart.'

JEFFREY IMMELT - CEO of General Electric:
'Your peers ultimately decide how far you'll go.'

BRYAN LORRITS - Founder and Pastor of Fellowship Memphis Church:
'Have a bigger vision of life than bonus checks.'

'Play ball with everybody.'

The Three Most Dangerous Mistakes Leaders Make:
1 - Becoming a leader for the wrong reasons
2 - Failing to embrace vulnerability
3 - Making leadership too important

'Leaders sacrifice themselves for the good of others.'

'Nobody should be elected president who really wants to be.'

Great stuff.

And be blessed.

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