Monday, February 17, 2014


It isn't that we don't love God.  It isn't.  We still pray to Him . . . when nothing else works.

We'll go to Him -- after we've tried all the other avenues that might resolve things for us.

That's what we call 'adding a Baal' - a second god.  That's how idolatry works.  It's why it posed such a threat to Israel - and it's why it poses such a threat to us.

We've decided we'll worship both God and that other thing at the same time.

A Baal isn't just an Old Testament thing.  It's anything that tempts you away from full devotion to the one and only true God.  Anything.

You have a heart.  It is capable of serving only one master devoutly -- only one.

'If your one master is going to be a powerless Baal, just be honest about that.'

If your one master is going to be a powerless Baal, just be honest about that.  But if it's going to be the One True God, who keeps all His promises -- then fall on your knees and confess and repent and starting walking with Him.

Stop jacking around with it.

But you must choose.  It's decision time.

And be blessed. 

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