Saturday, December 14, 2013


Today is the 11th day before Christmas.  In the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas, 11 stands for 11 pipers piping.  

In the Bible, 11 is a number of incompleteness - disorder.

After Judas betrayed Jesus, the 12 disciples became 11 - incomplete.  There is a parable in the New Testament book of Matthew that speaks of workers coming to work in the 11th hour, creating disorder with those who'd worked all day for the same pay.  In the Old Testament, Jacob took his wives, concubines and 11 sons (Benjamin had not yet been born) and headed to confront his estranged brother, Esau.  Benjamin's birth brought Jacob's son count to 12, but Joseph (the 11th son) was sold into slavery, bringing the count back to 11.  There was much disorder and chaos in the family of Jacob during this time.

We can be grateful that Jesus has come to bring completeness - order - and peace to our lives.

And be blessed.

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