Sunday, May 26, 2013


God's aim in showing Paul the Gospel wasn't so Paul would have it.

'When God, who set me apart from birth and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me ... (here's the purpose clause) ... so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles"  (Galatians 1:15, 16) ... or among the nations ... or with your family members ... or at your workplace.

Why did God show us Jesus?  So we might sit back and enjoy a nice presentation on the weekend?  So we might indulge in the pleasures of the world Monday thru Friday and then play some games with Him on Saturday or Sunday?  So we might store up a 'Get out of hell Free' card?


He gave us the Gospel for one reason ... so we'd make it our lives and then preach it to the nations.  God's design for the Gospel wasn't centered on Paul; it was centered on others.

The reason any one of us has the Gospel in the first place isn't so we'd just go to heaven and enjoy it.  Don't think that for a moment.  The reason we have the Gospel is to proclaim it.

That's why one of our eight Core Values - being OUTWARD-FOCUSED - is stated this way at Journey:  "We do not cater to personal preference because we are not here exclusively for us.  We will do anything short of sin to reach people who do not know Christ."

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Great message! I like it when you say we "are" the Gospel and the Church. To show others the grace that we have been given. To be kind, loving, represent Christ in the way He is.

I have found for myself that it seems to be best when I treat others that way and share the things that have happened in my life. Both where I was and where I am now. I was in just the same place that they are. To show understanding and grace.

So many times the people I meet have this vision of Christians as being perfect and judgmental. That's just not the case! (with some, maybe, but not most) After they get to know me, it is easier to have those conversations, for me.

Having said that, I don't actually share the Gospel with many people outside of my family. I tend to be loving and share with them my journey...the good and bad, but I don't really talk to them too much about eternity and repenting of their sins and being born-again. Born-again Christians have a bad image to plenty of people, so I tend to tread lightly and just let them get to know me first.

PK, when you say we are to share the Gospel do you think we should take it slow and wait for opportunities? I know Paul wasn't shy about proclaiming the truth, but it seems that times are different now. It can be a little harder to come right out and talk to people without scaring them away, right off the bat. It would be different if a person was desperate or hungry for the Word, but all too often they don't want to hear it. Right away, that is. I just wondered how you go about it? I know you said a long time ago that in some ways it is harder for you because you are a pastor. But how do you approach things casually?

Anonymous said...

This isn't exactly about this post, but I was just watching a clip of how the mini-series The Bible has been the most watched series on cable tv. It can give us great encouragement to know that people do want to hear all about the bible and Jesus. Maybe talking about it can be a door to be opened.