Sunday, April 3, 2011


Something we desperately need in life, yet are sorely lacking, is margin.

Think of a piece of paper where you have white around the edges. That’s the margin. The more margin you have, the more empty space you have. The more margin you have, the further away from the edges you can stay. Margin is the space you need - not just in your time or money, but also in your morality -- and the more space you have, the better decisions you can make.

But that kind of margin is elusive, to be sure.

In 30 years of being a pastor, the most common thing I hear on the other side of moral tragedy is: “I never thought it would happen to me.”

And the one thing all those scenarios had in common was, at some point, somebody lacked moral margin - they lacked space and distance between themselves and the temptation.

We’ve all done things in life we regret, but no regret runs deeper than the regret associated with unwise moral decisions. In time, you may be able to laugh about wasted money or poor time management; but when it comes to moral failure, even years later, nobody laughs about an affair - nobody laughs about a divorce - nobody laughs about a sexual addiction.

There is a line of right and wrong when it comes to sexual sin, but the line is too often in the wrong place. The line is right up against what is most obviously wrong. But I’m arguing there are an infinite number of other lines we cross over before we get to the one that’s too close to the naked tree.

Because every regrettable moral decision is preceded by a series of unwise choices -- choices that never raise a single eyebrow, yet lead toward destruction.

Flee temptation. Turn and run as fast and as far as your legs can carry you, in the opposite direction.

I’ve never known a person who said, “All this sexual trouble started when I created more moral margin in my life’ ... but I’ve known plenty of people who said, “I never thought it would happen to me.”

Would you join me in a personal challenge? I want my wife and three daughters

and my two sons-in-law and my grandson to know I’m a person of integrity. I want my church to know it. I want our staff to know it. I want my neighbors to know it. I never want to do harm to the cause of Christ.

Would you join me in that?

And be blessed.


Leaderj said...

Yes Pastor, It has taken a lot of years...many, many months of counseling, and healing with the Holy Spirit because of the many poor moral decisions I made. I truly understand what people go through with poor moral choices. I thank God that I have been making good moral choices for years now. You never forget, but you hope that others have forgiven for their own sake. I know I have forgiven and have been forgiven. Way too many people are affected. It affects generations. These are very sensitive subjects, and thank you for the courage to takle them. Be Blessed Brother, Jim

Anonymous said...

Great meaningful message. Sadly it happens to often and affects too many people.s

Anonymous said...

I am watching a movie about David and Bathsheba right now on TBN. He had great moral failures with Bathsheba, yet God called him a Man after His own heart. No past failure is too great to be forgiven if we truly are sorry. God is so merciful.

I have committed many sins and had many failures in my past, but that was long ago. I haven't succombed to those types of temptations in many years...and it really does get easier. Now, I am waiting for the man I marry. If that never happens for me, then so be it. I'm prepared to deal with it...hope it doesn't turn out that way, though.

All that said, I have my own points of weakness. Just not those. Maybe I am looking at it the wrong way, but I think that sexual sins are harder, because they hurt another person as much as yourself. I like knowing that I am pure and celibate and waiting for the right man. There is a beauty in that...

Kris said...

Great sermon Pastor Kevin. Whenever in question just to remember the phrase, "not a hint!"
I just wish the standards were as high at CLS where the dress code is concerned. Why do we have to make the school the same as the rest of the world? Just wondering........

PK's BLOG said...

I"m not sure where you're coming from on the CLS comment. Have you walked thru the halls of a public school any time recently? We are nowhere near what those schools are in terms of dress codes. CLS attempts to strike the very careful and delicate balance between being Godly and being normal. We appreciate your prayers in that regard. "We are IN the world, yet not OF the world, but still sent TO the world" - a very careful balancing act.

Kris said...

Pastor Kevin, yes, actually I have walked through the halls of CLS and I work at a public high school. Sorry to say, not a great difference there.

Audra said...

Decided to put my two cents in on this one. I told Steve last night that while listening to the sermon I could have closed my eyes and been back at the church I grew up in; 11 or 12 years old, sitting in the pew next to my mom listening to the same thing. (Although a little less candid and I don't recall anyone mentioning the saran wrap greeting at the door....) But some years later I walked away from what I thought was a narrow minded and old fashioned way of thinking. After so many years living "IN" the world, even when I returned there were some things that I thought really weren't so bad. And yet a recent "discussion" between my young teenage daughter and I over a swim suit left me wondering if I was becoming narrow minded and old fashioned! Hmmm......thanks for the reminder that I'm not! :-)

Anonymous said...

PK, I am reading a devotional right now and they talk about having all of your thoughts be Holy. Sometimes, my friends from work post things with colorful language and it seems to run in my mind...even when I try to stop it. There are other times, too. Is your mind always Holy? I wish I was a different person. Honestly, I wish I was the person I used to be a couple of years happy and devoted to God. I am much too susceptible to Satan's devices and I hate it.

It's double-edged sword. I completely believe in free will and I understand that it is me...making wrong choices. I just cannot discount Satan working on my soul. Satan is immediate gratification and God is eternity. Why is this so hard for me...

PK's BLOG said...

It is challenging for us all. We are called 'saints' in the Scriptures. That does not mean, however, that saints live saintly 24/7.

The Bible says to 'think on things that are just, pure, honest, lovely, of good report,' etc.... it also says to take every thought captive to Christ. God wouldn't have said either of those things if He knew that our every thought was great. Keep pressing in. Sometimes it's two steps forward, one step back. Concentrate on the 'forward.'

Anonymous said...

I just was focusing on that scripture at work. Trying to think on pure and lovely things. I really did, but then my mind would wander to other things over the night. It's a viscious circle. I attempt to fill my mind with Christlike thoughts, then negative thoughts flood my mind. Then, I beat myself up for it. And so it goes.

PK...can you please give me one scripture to banish Satan from my thoughts? When he slides in some negative thoughts, I need to counter him with

PK's BLOG said...

There is a whole Bible full of Scriptures to use. No ONE Scripture is your magic bullet. It is just continuing to crucify your thought life moment by moment. It is a process, not a one time deal. Keep going.

Here are a couple of favorite Scriptures for you.
I John 4:4
Isaiah 54:7
Philippians 4:8

Anonymous said...

Thank you, PK. I transferred them each into an email that I can print out and keep in my pocket at work. That is truly one of my weakest times. My mind wanders more than ever. It is very helpful to have something to combat him with...even if I find more later. It is a start. Thanks...

Rebeca Roman said...

Of course!!!!!!!! We love you pastor Keven. Bad that we are a part so far away. God bless you and the Lord help us to be a men and a women of God with integrity for him..........

Rebeca Y Robert