Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We start a new series this coming weekend called
"FLAVOR." The essence and heart of it is that we are the salt of the earth - people who are 'living sent' - believers 'on mission' - people with a purpose - ambassadors for the Kingdom - communicating and displaying His love, grace, hope, heart and service to everyone we see.

During the series we're featuring a 10-inch--in-diameter plexiglass tube that stands 8' tall that will be filled with salt as the weeks go by. The tube serves as a type of thermometer that will be filled showing the number of hours KFA-ers serve their church, community, neighborhood, school - however they spend their time serving others. We're asking KFA-ers to tell us either via the website or by slips of paper located throughout the building how many hours they served in some capacity that week.

I'm excited to see how many hours of service for the Kingdom KFA-ers put in.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed....I will make a trip to First Step and surprise them with some sweets for dessert, as the main meals are taken care of lately. I miss going there, anyways! Sweet people there!

PK...just a question, but if you don't have an answer it is problem. Do you think it is possible to "SERVE" in the area of politics and social change? I, personally, was so energized by Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. I would like to lend my voice to discussions and volunteering in political arenas, as a person of faith.

I am not sure that you had a chance to follow any news of his rally, but it focused on honoring our military and turning our focus back to God. I see that as a huge positive. I believe that anyone turning their gaze upon the matter what their faith....opens the door to finding Jesus' saving is one more step in the right direction.

Some Christians believe he is treading on dangerose ground in welcoming all faiths, though. They say there is only one way to Heaven. I just think it opens MANY doors of conversation when we talk to one another about God.

Any thoughts? If truly is fine. That's just my take. :)

PK's BLOG said...

Yes, of course I think a believer can have an impact and serve in the political arena and conversation. We need Christ-followers in every strata of society, including those impacting political and social change.

RE: Glenn Beck. I like the guy. He's energetic, funny, informed, conservative, etc. That said, I have some concerns about him. He sure does speak freely about Jesus, but his Mormon roots give me some pause. I agree that conversations are great and they can lead people to the path. I agree with having conversations of all faiths. However, when we say: "They say there is only one way to Heaven," whoever THEY are - is correct. This is our greatest danger - not welcoming all peoples of faith to the table, but by watering down our belief that there are many paths to Jesus and Heaven, when there is only one, according to the Bible.

Anonymous said...

I understand your reservations about his Mormon roots...(believe it or not, my lifetime Catholic-raised ex-husband converted to Mormonism when he remarried. I was shocked...but that is another story.)

Anyway, back to Beck...sometimes I can be too Pollyanna-ish, but I see it as an open door. I won't dilute my beliefs in Jesus being the only way to the Father, but just to get people talking abut matters of faith more...THAT is very exciting! I am not the sort to beat people over the doesn't work anyways, but to have a convo about God and to talk about who Jesus really is and what his message is. I just see it opening alot of doors. I am big on online communication, as you know, and I will be out there. Sharing my thoughts and my faith.

Ilove the fact that he took the time to use his platform to talk about God. He could easily have made it political. This was different.