Friday, April 16, 2010


Most people know that except for the occasional Ho-Ho and Oreo, I try to eat right. So it was with some trepidation that when we were with our friend and missionaries - Dave, Barb and Hannah Kniesz this week in Thailand - that as we passed by a local Thai market featuring various delicacies, I couldn't resist trying some grubs and crickets (actual ones pictured here - those aren't french fries).

It's not smoke and mirrors; that's really me up top eating a cricket. I had several. Think 'buttered popcorn.'

The other unexpected and interesting feature of the Thailand trip was that we had the opportunity to ride elephants bareback. We're not talking around an oval track, circus-style; we're talking out in the rough open tundra - with no cushy seats. Just your rump on the elephant's back holding on for dear life. So it was an extreme surprise that as we passed thru a river, the elephants (at the owner's command, evidently) decided to take a little swim in the Ping River with us on their backs. Pretty tough to hang on when a 2,000 pound elephant decides to lay down in a dirty river. We didn't hang on. We got doused. I mean all the way under.

Showers for everyone afterwards that day.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol....seriously, PK, your eating habits defy reason. That is absolutely disgusting! Did Joelene and Barb eat these "things", too? I bet not. Tell us the truth...was it a macho guy thing? :)

I can only hope that the ways I have contributed to your culinary experience were more appetizing. Next time, I will buy you an ant farm and let you have at :)