Sunday, March 14, 2010


I ate 10 tacos yesterday. I don't know why I did that. I guess I needed a good sermon illustration today or something.

Usually I'm a pretty healthy eater, but every now and then, I get a hankering for a lot of grease. And this particular taco place accommodates that very easily. I bought the set of 10 tacos for the whole fam, but once I started eating them - and they were SOOOOO good -- and SOOOOO greasy - I couldn't stop. All ten. Right down the gullet. I promise you. Ten.

Do you believe I had 10 tacos yesterday? It doesn't change anything if you don't believe me -- but do you?

Some people doubt everything. They don’t have healthy skepticism. It’s just foolish skepticism … and you’ll NEVER be convinced of ANYTHING with that approach. And spiritually, it's the same. You must build your life on something positive. You must and you do.

Paul said: “We cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.” (2 Cor. 13:8)

Is there anything you can do against the reality that I had 10 tacos yesterday? I don’t care what you think about that – well, maybe you think I’m a PIG – but no matter what you think, it's what happened. I could call witnesses for proof, but you could have such an unhealthy skepticism that you would say, ‘No matter what they TELL me, I’m not going to believe you. I don’t think you could get ten tacos DOWN.’

But here’s the great thing about the truth of the Gospel – Christianity has always been public. When Paul would preach in the book of Acts, he’d come to the crowds and say, ‘Listen … NONE of this is a SECRET. Investigate it if you want to.’ Have you noticed how many religious systems are clandestine and everything is under the covers? That's a warning of errors. covers? Christianity has never been that. It is out in the open - research it - look at it - tear it apart - test it.

As it was with my 10 tacos, so it is with the resurrection of Jesus. How's that for a parallel? But it’s the same. Do all you want to try to disparage one or the other, the bottom line is they're true and I'm not threatened by the evidence.

If you want to get at the truth, you have to be willing to ultimately embrace the real answers because there are some who just like to argue everything and never come to a conclusion. It’s time to get off the fence and say, ‘I’m willing to be CONVINCED.’

And here’s what happens with honest skeptics. After they get the reasonable information, they eventually say, ‘OK – I got it – I can believe … and NOW … I’m FULLY COMMITTED.’

You can’t just stay in question-and-research mode forever. Eventually you have to form some kind of conclusion and then say, ‘NOW I’m going to DO something in response to this information.’

Some facts don’t need a response. “I had ten tacos yesterday.” That doesn’t require a response … other than, ‘Who cares?’ But for me to say: ‘Jesus Christ came as God in human form and ended up dying on a cross for your sins. And today He teaches what you must do to get right with God, which is to turn from your disobedience and make HIM the center of your life – because not only did He die for your sins; He rose from the dead on the third day so you could receive Him into your heart and have eternal life in heaven with Him when you die.’ THAT truth demands a RESPONSE.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first was saved, my brother recommended a book called The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. It is a good book for those who need logical answers to their questions.

For myself, I am led more by my heart. I've always believed in God. It's impossible to walk in nature or even to ponder the complexity of how our human body functions and not believe in God. The missing part for me, was knowing that Jesus was God in human form. I always believed what I heard from the secular or New Age world...he was a good man and a great teacher. The very first time I heard someone actually SAY that Jesus was God in human form was in the class for New Christians at KFA. That changed everything for me. It made my Christian walk much more focused on trying to live a life to please Him.

My walk with Jesus has been a progression. I didn't change overnight, though I changed a lot. But early on, I was so filled with joy and the newness of it all was exciting. When I went thru the season, as you spoke of PK, when God felt far away, I thought I might never feel that way again. The thing I found out is everyone goes thru these times as a Christian. Our relationship with Jesus is a real one...I just have to stay committed to Him and He won't leave me, either. I can feel the Holy Spirit living inside of me. I've never felt this way with anyone else before and it is so incredible to have this special place and way of communicating with Him that is our own. I love knowing that He knows everything about me and loves me anyway. I need Him in my life and could never go back to where I used to be.