Sunday, October 4, 2009


Feel free to participate in this last day of the SIZE poll -- located at the very bottom of this blog page at the far right.

All life forms have a genetic code -- DNA. DNA gives each life form specific expression. Your DNA largely determines your physical and psychological traits.

Since the church is organic, it too has DNA. Spiritual DNA.

Christians adhere to a Triune God - 'the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God - yet there are not three Gods, but one God.' (Athanasian Creed)

The Godhead is a community of three - a "Trinity."

When a group of believers follow their spiritual DNA, they will gather in a way that matches the DNA of the triune God -- because believers possess the same life God Himself possesses. Similar DNA -- 'made in His image.'

Consequently, the DNA of the church is marked by the very traits we find in the triune God --- mutual love, mutual submission, mutual fellowship, mutual dependence, mutual ministry and face-to-face community.

How are you doing with all those?

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I am pretty sure I am doing fine in all of the areas, except the mutual submission. :) I struggle with that one.