Sunday, September 13, 2009


KUDOS to those who staffed and supported the opening day for the VIDEO VENUE at our church. Live music - a host pastor - casual atmosphere - food and drinks in the auditorium - one-hour service - message on video from that morning's first service in the main auditorium. Congrats to those who are in on the ground level with that. You rock.

Excerpt from today's message on DETOURS:
If any word epitomized Jesus’ life, it was DISCOMFORT. From the very beginning to the very end … His birth into poverty – born into a hostile world on a bed of straw – scorned, afflicted, rejected – right up to the end – His death full of shame, humility, pain, disgrace, betrayal. Jesus and discomfort go hand-in-hand.

Personally embracing a life of discomfort means doing some things that don’t come easily for you. God is calling you to be with people you don’t always feel comfortable being with, serving them, helping them, loving them, detouring for them.

Anyone can love people who are like them. You don’t get points for that. The Father’s love is best reflected – and most potent – when we love those with whom we least identify – or those who we think might be opposed to us.

The purest essence of the Gospel is about loving your enemies, not your friends. It’s about blessing those who persecute you and those who may be against you. It's not telling your buddies how great they are.

And when we begin to detour for THEM, then people outside the church begin to see God in all His fulness through us.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Tambrance said...

Hey, Kevin--Thought this point I have acquired as many acquaintances who are very "different" from me as those who are more "like" me. Wish some of the ones who are more "like" me understood and judged less....thanks for the encouragement