Monday, May 4, 2009


When fires erupted in ancient cities, which they often did, the walls created a new and unintended vulnerability. The walls reversed into a veritable prison, trapping its residents inside where the danger was. Surveillance cameras, designed for our safety and protection, when there are too many that see too far, actually reverse into an invasion of privacy.

Every medium, when pushed to an extreme, will REVERSE on itself, revealing unintended consequences. For example, the car was invented to increase the speed of transportation, but having too many cars on the roads result in traffic jams and even injury and death. The internet was designed to make info more easily accessible - but too much info or the wrong kind of info REVERSES into an assortment of not-so-good info.

QUESTION: What would it look like for something like your cell phone to "REVERSE" and become something it wasn't intended to become?

The cell phone has become a physical extension of people today. I was having lunch with someone not that long ago and as we chatted, his phone kept ringing - interrupting what seemed like every other sentence. "Sorry, I have to get this," he would say. Every time I would wait, he would apologize. The last time it rang, he said with a sense of resignation and exhaustion, "I am a total slave to my cell phone."

The phone had REVERSED on him. I've never heard anyone say, "I am a total slave to my ear," and yet, that is the part of him the cell phone had become an extension for. He couldn't stop himself from answering it, so ultimately he ...

Hey, wait ... there's my phone. Gotta go.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I am like that with my computer, too. Here I am in sunny CA, just stepped out of a jacuzzi, and I am on the laptop poolside. It's the best place to be though. I think I am a wee bit addicted to it....sigh. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse. Maybe... I have 100 emails in my inbox, too, lol.

LA Nickers said...

Everything has a flip side.

Even our best character traits.

Living in a fallen world - but not adopting it within - is the challenge.

Perhaps that is one of the factors that will make Heaven so heavenly. For God will set all things aright.

OK, here's something funny. Your captcha code is cookedin.


HEART OF A READY WRITER – Reading Through the Bible in 2009