Sunday, February 1, 2009


Everything we need to know about what God has called us to do with our 'stuff' is wrapped up in the word STEWARD. A STEWARD is someone in the employment of another person who faithfully manages the owner’s resources. So, if GOD, who is the OWNER, gives us the ability to make money, then it must be faithfully managed by US, the STEWARDS, in a way that pleases Him.

I can hear some of you now: “Wait a minute! That money?! I made it! It's mine ... sweat of my brow … anguish of my soul … inspiration of my ingenuity … brainchild of my genius … I put in my time … I invested my energy … I earned it … it’s MINE.”

Here's where a play on the word STEWARD can possibly help us.

S stands for SKILLS
T stands for TIME
E stands for ENERGY
W stands for WORK ETHIC
A stands for ATTITUDE
R stands for RESOURCES
D stands for DELEGATED

Did you create your SKILLS out of nothing?
Did you create TIME out of nothing?
Did you create ENERGY out of nothing?
Did you develop a WORK ETHIC out of nothing?
Did you develop the right kind of ATTITUDE out of nothing?
Can you manufacture RESOURCES out of nothing?
NO! All those things are delegated to us by God … and that’s what we mean when we use the word STEWARD.

So, a steward is a person who understands that his skills – his time – his energy – his work ethic – his attitude – his resources – are DELEGATED to him by God – and he holds them in trust for God.

From His own gracious hand, God gives you the ability to make money that you might enjoy what money can make available to you. But you can be so wrapped up in making it and enjoying it that you forget who gave you the ability to make it in the first place.

God is calling us to put Christ at the central hub of our lives … and in this area of money and possessions, to be able to SAY: “God, I enjoy everything You have enabled me to have – but as I enjoy it, I want to make sure I’m committed to using it to do good for Your Kingdom. I’m committed to being faithful and generous with it … and I’m more than ready to share it … in order to take hold of the life that is truly life.”

And be blessed.

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