Thursday, February 25, 2016


You are living a story.  In fact, you are a Living Story.

Some people are dramas, others comedies, a few are tragedies.  Some Stories seem scripted and others impromptu.  A few Stories are poetic; more are melodramatic.  Positive Stories; negative Stories, sweet Stories, crotchety Stories, mega-Novels, short Folios, Narratives.  Some are written on Letterhead, others on Cardboard, Monogrammed Sationary, Parchment, Scratch pads, and everything in between -- your life and my life is a Story.

Unfinished Stories.

That means there are chapters yet to be written.

That means anyone can change his or her Story.  But you must realize you have one first.

My Story has in many ways been on display for years now.  Here.  I've let readers in as far and deep as has been convenient, at times opening wide enough to self-inflict.  On rare occasion I have deleted a Life Story a few days later, hoping it would be forgotten by the many.

There have been times I've needed to take a step back and review my Story from above.

My Story needs a new Author.

How compassionate (or not) have I become?
How have I helped (or hurt) people?
Deep down, am I who I say I am?
Has my own Story encouraged (or defeated) anyone?

I have to somehow be able to read my own Story with honesty and authenticity and courage.  I don't want to see a more generous or joyful or humble adaptation of myself than everyone else sees.

Sometimes my Story needs a revision.  It needs an editor.  A chapter needs to be stricken because it no longer acceptably or accurately describes who I am.  It needs a rewrite.

It can't be deleted, but it can be redrafted.  Yet not in one single setting.  That's too painful.  My Story needs incremental revision.  Anything more is too severe -- too agonizing -- too searing.

It needs unyielding kindness mixed with resolute calculation and unshakable purposefulness.

It needs a new Author.

Fortunately, I know One.

'Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race set before us, looking to Jesus, the AUTHOR and Finisher of our faith ... '  (Hebrews 12:1, 2a)

May the rewrite begin.

And be blessed.

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