Thursday, March 31, 2011


I get a sense that in 21st century America, God is an abstraction. He is largely both unseen and unfelt. Perhaps some of that exists right within the church, too. People think they can basically please God by obeying His rules - going to church, serving, giving, being nice to their neighbor. But God wants to be less abstract - more real - than that.

People may have right theology, but they haven't understood the life application and implication of what they claim their own belief system to be.

A.W. Tozer talked about how little Christianity was built around the practical presence of God when he said: 'If the Holy Spirit were withdrawn from the church today, 95% of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95% of what they did would stop and everybody would know the difference.'

Ouch. How easily our religious forms outlive the reality that birthed them. We continue with the motions, but God stops becoming the object of our pursuit. When that happens, it isn't a very long road before the traditions become more sacred than than God Himself.

Obviously that is an extreme, but the impact of that is felt in so many more subtle ways, allowing us to push God out and away from our lives without even realizing or admitting to it, because His name and His activities fill so much of our lives.

We might do this with something like prayer, by launching into our day with a request that Jesus bless what we're about to engage in, and then move forward. Don't we believe He has anything more to say to us than what our own minds can reason out?

This is where we need to lose the abstract and return to the real. Today.

And be blessed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


There is an old fable about an emperor who was more concerned about his appearance than about governing his people. One day, two swindlers convinced him they could weave the most beautiful clothing ever made and fashion them in such a way that they would be invisible to anyone not fit for his post or anyone who was hopelessly stupid.

What a temptation for the emperor. Not only could he satisfy his own vanity with the new, beautiful clothing - he could be a better ruler at the same time, by easily identifying those who were unfit.

So he gave the swindlers money along with the finest silk and golden thread. But they only pretended to make the clothes and pocketed both the money and the materials.

During the process, the emperor sent his most honest aides to check in on the progress of the clothing. The swindlers pretended to weave and sew, but the aides couldn't see the clothes because there weren't any. Thinking they would be unfit or stupid, they lavished praise on the non-existent garments. Eventually, the emperor went himself to see the clothes. His aides had been so enthusiastic about them that he was sure of his own incompetence when he couldn't see them. So he joined in on the pretense, as did everyone, who thought they were the only ones who couldn't see the clothes. The emperor's aides even suggested a big parade so his subjects could see his new garments. Even though the emperor couldn't see them or feel them, he pretended to put them on his very bare body and prance off to a parade in his own honor - completely naked.

Never had there been anything so wonderful like it in the history of his little kingdom. Everyone praised the beauty of the clothes - until a small child said: 'But he hasn't got anything on!' The new-found discovery quickly spread thru the crowd as people realized they weren't the only ones not seeing the clothes. But when the emperor overheard their shouts and realized his own nakedness, he could only say: 'I must go thru with it now, procession and all.'

We usually think the point of this story is vanity, but not really. It is vested interest. It may have begun with the emperor's pride, but that in and of itself could never have convinced him to walk down the streets of his city naked -- well, unless he was really something.

Even so, you say - this doesn't happen in real life. OK. Sure.

But anyone who has ever sat in a meeting where personal interests rule the course of the day know it does happen. Some of the weirdest reasons can be used to defend the silliest project or idea as long as it might benefit someone. The swindlers in this story made sure everyone in town would be hurt if they didn't believe the lie. And we all know how easy it is to go along with the crowd.

The emperors clothes-that-weren't-there were more successful than anything else he possibly could have worn because people's tastes vary far too widely. Since nothing at all was there, people saw whatever they chose to see - their personal preferences - their own interests.

So it is sometimes with church today. People are making Christianity whatever they want it to be, whatever best fits their interests, whatever is in their own best interest. If there is widespread satisfaction in the church, that may only testify to its lack of substance.

The first person to be honest about the emperor's 'lack' was not all that courageous; he just didn't have a personal stake in the deception. It doesn't take great wisdom to unmask deceit - only a desire to look at things as they really are, not the way we want to see them because it best benefits us.

Hopefully we will not become fooled by that because the world sees thru our nakedness. They will only continue pointing and laughing at us from a distance and all the while, blame God for what we are.

And we can't have that.

And be blessed.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


There are few things that make me hungrier for dynamic Christianity than reading about the experiences of the early church. They weren't rich, they weren't culturally acceptable, but they had this vitality of heart that couldn't be quenched.

They were pre-occupied with Jesus. He wasn't just theology; He was real. He was the center of their message, their life, their church. They just wanted to obey His will. His presence was real enough to walk them through whatever.

They had authentic community. It was an earmark for the early church. Even people who didn't agree with their message marveled at how much they loved and cared for each other.

They had power. Everything I've learned about speaking (and writing) in college and through my own digging has been geared to the art of persuasion through articulate and inspiring speech. I suppose I could weave a Biblical argument around someone until the poor sap has no choice but to agree with me, but I've never seen it produce enduring change. At the risk of bragging, I have not been accused of being inarticulate when speaking (or writing), but what I want is God's power flowing out of me - and that doesn't come from me. The early church had it.

They sacrificed. They didn't follow Jesus so they could get a new cabin or a new car. They followed because He was Lord. They sought His will above personal gain. Their values were not in the material because they understood the truly abundant life wasn't temporal comfort, but something far greater and heavenly.

Sure, they had problems back then, too - but those who pressed in to know Christ more and better were increasingly changed into His likeness.

All of that to say -- what God has offered us is far better than what we are currently living. We can find it today. It's still possible. The early church can be the church now. And what is more, that's just what God wants for us.

And be blessed.

Monday, March 28, 2011


It was awesome today to be with Pastor Joe Wyrostek at Metro Praise Church, about 5 miles west of downtown Chicago.

I had the opportunity to speak at his School of Urban Missions where there are 20 students working their way thru a B.A. in Biblical Studies. I loved their set-up and I loved their passion even more.

When I walked into their auditorium, 20 college-aged students were standing spread out with hands raised in the air singing praise to God at the top of their lungs. It doesn't get better than this. I admire Joe's electricity and the students' passion for God. I was humbled to be invited to speak at their chapel service. Thanks, guys.

We're super excited about the start-up of our very own School of Urban Missions cohort this coming August. We're calling ours Journey Ministry College. More info is available at

And be blessed.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Acts chapter 3 tells a story about Peter and John going to the temple to pray at about 3:00 in the afternoon. On their way, they encounter a man sitting and begging at the temple gate. He's been carried there every day for forty years.

The lame guy reaches out his hand to ask for alms and Peter says to him: 'Got no cash, bro - but here's what I do have -- in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk.' And sure enough, he did. The next thing we know the guy is jumping and going crazy with joy, skipping right into the temple going berserk at this amazing, wonderful, life-altering thing that had happened to him.

I don't think the lame man had any idea of the change that was ahead for him that day at 3:00. He never dreamed he would arrive at the temple gate unable to walk and leave leaping and thanking God.

Not long after this, thousands of people heard the story of the Gospel and came to faith. Same thing with them. No idea when they woke up that this would be the day that amazing grace opened their eyes and forever dramatically changed them.

But it did.

And that's exactly what you and I have to share with our cities and all the places God will eventually send us to.

And be blessed.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


If it had happened to me, I would have been ticked for sure. I wouldn't care if I had agreed earlier to work all day for forty bucks. When quitting time came, if I had stood there and watched the boss give the very same forty to one of my co-workers who had only come for the last half hour's work, I'd have been ticked off. Ticked off, I tell you.

But that has never been my experience. If I did two hours work, I got two hours pay. If the guy next to me did five hours work, he got five hours pay. If the guy on the other side only worked 30 minutes, that's what he got paid for. I certainly didn't expect him to get what I got and I didn't expect to get what the five hour laborer got. Fair is fair.

It is exactly that expectation that makes Jesus' parable of the vineyard such a powerful tool. In His story, the landowner goes to the marketplace five different times during the day to pick up more workers for his fields. We could speculate why he does this, but we're not told. Whatever the reason, each time he finds willing workers to help, even right up to the last hour of the day.

At the end of it all he instructs his foreman to do something very curious: pay the workers in reverse order, beginning with the last hired and proceeding to the first hired. What must the workers hired first have thought when they saw the latecomers receiving what they had been promised initially? I'd have been a little concerned at first, but would have been hopeful that maybe I was going to receive even more than I'd been told I was going to get.

What a shock when the first-hired workers received just what they had been promised - and it was the very same as those who had arrived an hour before. I understand how they felt, which is why this parable hasn't ever been one of my favorites. This one hits us hard where it hurts.

The landowner's actions weren't unfair to those who were first out in the field - they got what they were promised - but it represents generosity and compassion to those who came later. And that's the point, is it not? We don't bring our reasonable expectations to God and demand He satisfy them. Doesn't God have the right to do whatever He pleases in His own field? Can't He be generous without inciting envy? He owns the field. If we are not ready to trust Him to that degree, there will be no joy in His vineyard.

God gives more to the latecomers out of compassion for their need, not because they hold a greater place in His heart. But their gratefulness, coupled with the complaints of the first workers, reverses those tables and Jesus draws the saddening conclusion as a result: "The last will be first, and the first will be last."

This parable goes far beyond the way God rewards people. It has to do with the way we view Him in our lives. Is He ours to control, or are we His to serve? God is over all. He is not to be challenged, but followed. We won't always understand what He does, but we must learn to trust Him enough to endorse His plan in our lives instead of trying to get Him to fulfill ours.

And be blessed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


We have a great staff at KFA. Today we were talking about some changes we needed to make to go from ‘good to great’ in one of our church systems. It’s still amazing to me to realize that change is hard no matter who you are or where you sit. It’s especially hard if it isn’t your idea but it somehow affects you.

There are some signs that we’re not really ready for change. See how many apply to you . . .

Eight Signs You’re Not Ready for Change

  1. You’re afraid of the culture.
  2. Your life is fast and cluttered and there’s no space to dream.
  3. You value getting it right over getting started.
  4. You believe conflict is a bad thing.
  5. You’ve stopped asking questions.
  6. You think systems and strategies are the enemies of anointing or creativity.
  7. You’re expecting to receive credit for your ideas.
  8. You think you’ve already arrived.

What would you add to that list?

The question is less about whether or not your organization is ready for change – the bigger question is are you ready for change?

And be blessed.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I spoke from the book of Revelation on Sunday ( I’ll confess I don’t speak from Revelation a whole lot, but Sunday was one of those days. Though it wasn’t my text, Revelation 13:18 says: “Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666.”

That comes to mind because on the way home I saw a license plate with the number ‘666’ on it. It was a Ford Prius, so that probably explains it.

I read that in the 1980s some people suspected that President Ronald Wilson Reagan might be the Antichrist because each of his three full names had six letters. Six-six-six. All this was - and is - pretty ridiculous since most of us know the Antichrist will be a Democrat. Or a communist. Or both. (Just kidding.)

I also read about Mikhail S. Gorbachev, leader of the old Soviet Union block until it disintegrated in the early 1990s - that his name in the Cyrillic language adds up to 1,332, which is twice ‘666.’

And ... I read that Saddam Hussein was born on April 28, 1937, and was captured on December 13, 2003, which made him 66.6 years old on the day they pulled him out of the hole. Gasp. Of course, not much chance he’s the Antichrist, right? (He’s dead.)

I don’t really get too crazy worrying or wondering about the who, when, where, what or why of all that since I’ve got all my eggs in the Jesus basket. I’m very careful when I play Yahtzee though.

And be blessed.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Here's a question for you ... 'What do you think Jesus thinks of your church?'

"Well, I really like our church."

Sure. OK. But trust me, God has standards that are a little higher than yours.

Now ... maybe there are some things wrong with your church -- but you can’t fix all those -- you can only focus on fixing you. You can complain about your church and criticize your church, but in the end, you can’t change that. You can only focus on changing you. So, based on that, what do you think Jesus thinks of your church?

And here's an important follow-up question: 'What kind of church are you?' And maybe even more important than both of those: 'What if every person at your church was like you?'

Think about it ... what if everyone at your church served like you? Maybe you'd have volunteers coming out of your ears. Or maybe there would be absolutely nobody doing anything at all.

What if everyone at your church gave the way you do? Maybe you'd come one weekend and the pastor would say: 'Everybody needs to stop giving because we just have too much and we don't know what to do with it.' Or perhaps, if everyone gave like you, you'd come to church some weekend and all the lights would be off because they couldn't pay the electricity bill that month.

What if everyone at your church had the thoughts you had?

What if everyone spoke like you?

What if everyone at your church had the attitudes you have?

What if everyone prayed like you?

What kind of church would you have if those things were true? I don’t think it’s a bad QUESTION.

And be blessed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well ... it was just a momentous day in the Taylor household today --- so momentous, in fact, that I could not let it pass without blogging about it.

I fixed my own toilet today.

That's right.

The chain broke on the rubber whatchamacallit that suctions to the porcelain thingy inside the tank so that we couldn't flush - and that's a real problem - especially as the day wears on.

So I went to Home Depot and bought a new doo-hickey to replace the broken whatchamacallit. I stuck my hand in the cold water and managed to reattach the new one all by myself and ... voila! ... it actually works - which was fortunate for us because they day was wearing on.

And I just had to tell the world about it.

And be blessed.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I was doing a presentation today for some folks - not something all that unusual for me - it wasn't like it was out of my comfort zone or anything --- but when I came away from the mike and sat down, I realized I had been sweating like a faucet under my arms. My shirt was dark green in 'those two spots' (even though I'm not Irish, I still wore green today). Embarrassing. I spent the next 30 minutes wondering how many people noticed.

Clarification: I don't really sweat much when I'm doing hard labor or working out - it just seems to be when I'm up front communicating, go figure. I admit that I can be fantastic at sweating. If you could get paid to sweat, I would be so rich. When I see someone else on a stage sweating in 'those two spots,' I admit I find it a little hypnotic.

I know that isn't very mature-sounding of me.

So in an effort to help (myself) others out there with this problem, I pass along three solutions from a sage on this topic:

Change clothes. Often.
I wonder what would happen if, in the middle of the message, I just told everybody to pause for 60 seconds - talk amongst themselves - while I went over behind the plexi-glass drummer-quarium and changed shirts. O yeah - that is see-through, isn't it?

Preach from inside the baptismal.

This is going to be the hardest one to slip by the congregation but it might be worth it. Do your next sermon series while standing inside the water-filled baptismal. Sure, you may get in the newspaper, but it would keep the sweat down.

Embrace it.
Face it. God made us sweaty. Stop fighting it.

And be blessed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Meeting again today with some folks, it became clear to me how challenging it is to hear God's voice. It can be so easy to miss if you're not careful, even though He's pretty much the only one speaking from heaven. There is just a lot of noise to drown out the one sound we most desperately need to hear.

I think we like Jesus. We like what He's about. We like what He represents. He has become the 'add-on' to pretty much every world religion and philosophy because most people think He was a pretty good guy. But - truth is - we've twisted His words and changed His meanings because what He was saying here and there didn't settle with us personally.

He speaks, but we translate it wrong. He leads, but we insist He doesn't mean 'there.' He calls, but we hunker down in our seats so He'll pick the other dude. He motions us over, but we wave Him off with other more important things. Maybe later. Not now. In a few. When I'm ready.

But Jesus' way isn't like all the other ways. It's a narrow path, while all others are broad. There's a reason His way is different from the others; because He is different. We don't deserve to be on the path, but He invites us anyway. It isn't a trick, or a bait-and-switch. It's the real deal. He is speaking loud enough ... often enough ... clear enough. I'm starting to think we just aren't listening.

And be blessed.

Monday, March 14, 2011


You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions. - Naguib Mahfouz

I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday. - Abraham Lincoln

As we grow in wisdom, we pardon more freely. - Madame de Stael

I used to think you got more wisdom just by getting older - that it was one of those things that happened just because. But no. Wisdom doesn't come simply by living. You have to go after it. Sure, there is some level of wisdom that will rub off on you just as a matter of course - wisdom and experience are interconnected. But the quality of your future is shaped by the wisdom you have, not the other way around. You can accomplish great things in your field of expertise and live a life of pure foolishness.

I can't do this life without wisdom. I am forever thankful that God calls and uses people like me who have acted foolishly in their pasts.

In the Bible, James says: 'If anybody lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously ... and it will be given to him.' (James 1:5)


And be blessed.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Randy Alcorn opens his book, "THE GOODNESS OF GOD," with the line: 'I promise you, the Bible doesn't minimize suffering or gloss over it, and neither will I.' Alcorn makes good on that promise.

He delivers a short 100-page, easy-to-read-and-comprehend book, that - despite those things - cannot be read in one setting because of the difficult and personal nature of the subject matter. You get the real sense that Alcorn has dealt with suffering on a very personal level and writes from that understanding.

Before he wraps up the book, Alcorn has walked us thru the concepts of original sin, natural disasters, prosperity, disease, the presence of evil, God's sovereignty and goodness, and hell.

The book concludes with great encouragement for those who are now, or have ever experienced suffering - which is all of us. "THE GOODNESS OF GOD" is a great book for those deep in the faith as well as those searching and struggling.

Every question isn't answered, nor is everything crystal clear after reading, but it all sure becomes a lot less fuzzy. Your faith will be challenged for the better when you read and the truth will come home that "life may be hard, but God is good."

Enjoy -- and be blessed.

**Disclaimer - this book was provided at no charge for purposes of review by Multnomah Press.


I was coming out of the grocery store today at about 10:30 a.m. and passed by a bunch of very cute little Girl Scouts stationed just outside the entrance literally shouting at the top of their lungs: 'Girl Scout Cookies ... Girl Scout Cookies ... Girl Scout Cookies ... Girl Scout Cookies.'

They say "there's a sucker born every minute."

Legend has it that P.T. Barnum, the circus guy, coined that phrase. It is however, unlikely, that he ever actually said it. Some have attributed it to Mark Twain - but best guess is that it was one of Barnum's competitors - David Hannum.

The story is that Hannum, like Barnum, in the business of thrilling the gullible public of the 19th century, had a large stone man-like object built, buried and then dug up again in Cardiff, New York. He billed it 'The Cardiff Giant,' and scads of people came to marvel at this stone man of Biblical proportion. When he started making real money at the venture, Barnum, not to be outdone, built his own stone man and insisted it was 'The Real Cardiff Giant.' Hannum, commenting on the naivety of those flocking to see Barnum's creation said: 'There's a sucker born every minute.'

So, those little Girl Scouts were just so cute this morning that I couldn't resist buying five boxes of cookies at $3.50 each. Well, there are only four boxes left now. After all, that was six hours ago.

Here's to the fulfillment of David Hannum's prophecy.

And be blessed.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I heard someone's phone ring the other day and they had a really long Christian tune set as their ring tone. I didn't know if they let it ring as long as they did because they really liked the song, but I literally heard the entire hymn play before they answered it.

My own ring tone is this nondescript 6-string guitar vamp. It's not fancy, but it works - and it's subtle.

I actually can't decide if I like the spiritual element attached to ring tones ... like when you’re hanging out with someone at Quizno's and all of a sudden their phone rings and starts blaring out 'Lord, I Lift Your Name on High.'

Some others I've heard are: 'Amazing Grace,' 'The Hallelujah Chorus' (would you PLEASE answer that?) ... 'Shout to the Lord,' 'This Little Light of Mine,' 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,' 'The Bridal Chorus,' and The Macarena' (OK, that isn't Christian; it's just annoying).

Personally, I'm considering downloading "Jesus Take the Wheel" to mine.

And be blessed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I think most of us have at least the unspoken expectation that if we do what is right, God will bless us for it. I don't mean He will bless us for it in the 'life to come' - most of think He'll bless us soon - if not by next week - or even immediately.

There is this magnificent rub that happens inside us when we see bad people seemingly rewarded while we're trying our doggoned-ness to be better people.

I know God promises He will never allow us to undertake more than we can bear (I've never fully understood that verse), but there may be days when we wonder if we can hold on even for one more second.

So it should come as no great surprise to us that forms of suffering - even great suffering - may accompany a life entirely devoted to God. I know - not a popular blog topic, but Jesus is our model on this one.

Yet the Bible links joy to suffering (I've never fully understood that verse). That might seem like spiritual masochism, but it isn't. Suffering isn't a virtue; we don't need to worry about pursuing suffering because it will pursue us.

The 'joy' part comes when we understand that suffering and trials are great reminders that we need God - and they are promises that God will meet you in the middle of them.

Follower of Christ, your pain is just as real, your disappointment just as deep, your tears just as profound as anyone's. But your joy is also far more real, your hope far more deep and your peace far more profound.

And be blessed.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I know - it's a gross picture - but ----- a few weeks ago my ministry partner was speaking on
The Tongue from the book of James and I sat there in the front row listening - and thinking - 'Oh my goodness - that is definitely the one part of my skull that I cannot consistently get a great handle on.'

Don't pretend like you can either.

I don't know how many times I've sat in my office across from an individual and as they were talking I would feel 'IT' rising in my esophagus and flitting right past my uvula, whacking it hard as it went. There would be these 18 little guys on my left shoulder whispering in my ear: 'Don't say it, Kevin - don't you dare say it.' And then just this one little guy on my right shoulder going: 'SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT! You know you want to!' And then ... don't you know ... I would.

The same has happened in e-mails - on Facebook - in texts - you name it. An army of whisperers on this side: 'I wouldn't write that if I were you - you're gonna regret that.' And that other lone dude on the other side: 'Go for it. You're in a royal mood today anyway. You'll feel better afterwards.' And ---- spew, it would come.

Now - in fairness to myself -- sometimes it's been the right thing to say. I'm not here just for people's pleasure, but for lots of other reasons. I've said to my kids before, whether they remember it or not: 'I'm not here to preserve you from every pain in life. I'll help you thru it, but some tough stuff is going to come and that's OK. Even good. But I'll help you through.' So sometimes, the hard thing - the rough, tough thing - has been the right thing to say, text, e-mail, post.

But as often as not, my tongue has gotten me in trouble. Isaiah 50 has a short verse that says: 'The Lord has given me an instructed tongue." Wow. How nice would that be - to always know the right thing to say? What a gift. The rest of that verse says, 'God wakes me up morning by morning, tuning my ear to listen like one being taught.'

I suppose Jesus went thru the same thing. You don't suppose He ever just 'let loose,' right? Yeah I know - that one day in the temple, yeah. But other than that? I think He knew what to say because, morning by morning, He opened His eyes, ears and heart and became a student. God's words come to those who listen to Him carefully, morning by morning.

The summary of Jesus' life according to Luke is that He 'grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.'

We all love the destination, but we're not too crazy about the journey. I'm on it though. And staying on it --- morning by morning.

And be blessed.

Monday, March 7, 2011


We were praying for miracles in people's lives this past weekend. It was an awesome way to close out the service and the series on

I'm always asking myself when I pray for people - and when I pray for myself - 'Do I really believe this can happen?'

I've listened to preachers and teachers conclude that the answer to every problem is just to 'have more faith.' If you have a problem, all you need to do is believe. That's all. Just believe. If you can't get over the mountain, you're just not believing enough. Then they throw the metaphor into the mix where Jesus said all we needed was mustard-seed faith and we could speak to the mountain, 'Be removed,' and it would be.

They interpret Jesus' words to mean we have a faith problem somewhere - just believe a little more and you're good to go. But I'm thinking what Jesus is pointing us to is the opposite conclusion. He isn't saying to have more faith; He's just saying to get SOME. ANY! The implication is if you have anything less than mustard-seed-size, that's like ZIP. NADA. ZERO.

It's not about believing for a miracle or a healing or a job or a relationship restoration, it's about an unshakable confidence in an Almighty God.

And be blessed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


You were created for more than merely existing. We have redefined mediocrity as normal and too often expect that from ourselves - but God will not have it. He did not create us to be average, but unique. Being human was not intended to be a curse. It was meant as a gift.

You may dream of a better life or becoming some kind of 'better person,' but God knows the person you were created to become.

There is so much talk about 'potential' in our culture. Hasn't someone said that about you - or maybe you've said it about someone else --- "He has so much 'potential?'"

I used to hate that word. It's actually OK when somebody says it about you when you're 18 - 'He has so much 'potential.'" But when you're 45 and someone says 'He has so much 'potential,'" it's time to excuse yourself, step into a closet and have a good cry.

You're not supposed to die with your potential intact. A life well-lived squeezes every bit of juice out of your potential.

But I think what most of us want is pretty much just equity. Most of us would be OK to see life kind of even out. It's disturbing to think God would treat us disproportionately in regard to potential, yet it is absolutely true. If God can help more people by entrusting more to you than He does to me, He will. It's not about how much you got, it's about how you use what you have.

I'm trying to squeeze all the juice out that I can.

And be blessed.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I couldn't resist this post today after seeing it on GodTube. Laugh and enjoy and thank God for your own children and/or grandchildren ...

And be blessed.

Friday, March 4, 2011


This couple is Allen & Violet Large. They are from Canada. Allen is 75 and Violet is 78. They have been together since 1964. They retired in 1983 and since that time, they purchased two lottery tickets every single week. Last year, Violet called the lottery hotline to check out the winning numbers and it turned out they had won. Eleven and a half million dollars. Guess what they did with it? They donated it all. Benefactors of the Large's largesse were hospitals, charities and family members. They kept none of it for themselves.

They said they were content with their 1987 Dodge Diplomat and their 148 year old Victorian home.

Violet said: ”Money can’t buy happiness. What you've never had, you never miss. We have everything we need; I have Allen and he has me.

Can it get any better than that?

And be blessed.