Sunday, March 29, 2015


The over-arching message of Jesus is to actively overcome evil with good.  It's what separates the Gospel of Christ from all other religions.  We don't fight evil with evil - we're called as followers of Jesus to actively overcome evil with good.

The Gospel says if your enemy is hungry, feed him.  If she's thirsty, here's a drink.  That's the Gospel-shaped story of Jesus.

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

How's that?

Pray for them.  Don't pray, 'God, kill 'em.'

'You can't continue hating a person you're praying for.'

Pray for His blessing over your enemy - pray for her salvation - pray for his well-being and health - pray for her favor - pray for material blessing in that man's or woman's life - pray for good.

That's hard, I admit, but Jesus calls us to it.  You can't continue hating a person you're praying for.  Impossible.  Can't be done.

When you pray for your enemy your heart changes.  Pray for your enemy long enough and she ceases being your enemy.  That's the Gospel-shaped design for us all.

You begin to see your enemy thru God's lens and bitterness turns to grace - anger turns to mercy.  God starts to plant creative, healing ideas in your heart.  And it all starts by praying.  We can all do that.

Why should we pray?

'So you may be sons and daughters of your Father who is in heaven.'  (Matthew 5:45a)

Love my enemy.
Pray for them?
Because you are a son and daughter of God.

And be blessed.

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