Friday, September 26, 2014


I don't know if you've ever just wanted to start over.

I have.

You start the batch of cookies and forget a main ingredient.  Pitch them in the trash and start over.

You begin a letter to someone important to you and it just doesn't sound right.  Scrap it and start over.

Someone's recording a video of you for later posting online and midway thru you go: "Wait.  Can I start over?"

I preached a stinky sermon on the weekend.  Can we all just forget that, come back next week and I'll start over?

But it gets bigger than that.

You speak to somebody in a way you know was wrong and you'd like to shove those words back in your mouth and start over.

You make a decision that affects the lives of others in your family or on your team and it goes badly and you'd like to start over.

Or bigger yet.

'We have succeeded because Jesus already succeeded.'

You make a moral choice that will forever adversely alter everything in your life and the lives of those you love and you'd like to start over.

I love starting over.  The biggest downside of all that is the reason you're starting over is because something went wrong in the first place.  That's the reason you're starting over.

Can we erase the first one and totally forget it and login the second one?

We started that pattern as little children when we asked for a 'do over' and we've continued that right into our adult years.

The good news is that we don't have to live in a world of 'do it better' or 'start over.'  We have succeeded because Jesus already succeeded.

Be free to fail.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have a do over for the times when I have had a sharp tongue or an email that was disparaging to the person it was sent to. I've gotten better over time, but sometimes you just can't undo the damage that is done. It still hurts the other person. They may not trust you the way they used to that you won't hurt them.

I have found that in the time I have been at my job that there are times when I surely wish I had a do over. Fortunately, they think I am doing a good job, but there have been certain things that I have messed up on. When I am talked to about them, I have this very bad habit of the but, but, buts. Instead of owning it, I try to explain away my mistakes. The thing is...they have cameras that record every movement. I find it kind of creepy, but, like I said, I do the right thing more often than the wrong thing. Thank you, God, for that. Lol...Big Brother is alive and well at work.