Wednesday, November 20, 2013


We tend to have convictions of convenience.  When the Bible runs head on into something we'd prefer to hold on to, we have a slight tendency to say, 'The Bible must mean something else;  it can't mean that.'

Ninety-two percent of Americans have a Bible in their home.  They may not be able to find it, but it's probably there.  Ninety-two percent.

Seventy-four percent of Americans say they would like to have a close relationship with God.  They may not define it the same way as you and I define it, but that's what they say they want.

Sixty-seven percent of Americans say they have made a personal commitment to Christ that continues to be important in their life now.

Sixty-seven percent also believe there is no such thing as absolute truth.

Wait.  Back up that train.  Are you making sense of that?  That's a conviction of convenience.

Jesus said: 'I am THE way (that's absolute), I am THE truth, I am THE life.  Nobody comes to the Father except thru Me.'

'We customize everything in our lives.'

We customize everything in our lives.  So if we're customizing to fit our personal preferences and likings, where do we draw the line with that?  Because I think we do that with the Bible.  We customize it to fit what feels good to us in any given season or situation of life.

There are 66 books in the Bible, but we seem to have narrowed it down to about 7 or 8 that we're really fond of.  Maybe that isn't how we say it, but be honest.

We open the Bible, but we're like the back road farmer who puts his tractor in the same rut week after week, month after month, year after year, and can practically take his hands off the wheel because the tractor follows the well-worn ruts that have been made over time.  We open the Bible, but we let go of the wheel and head to the same destinations we always get to.

The Bible is so relevant to you -- even the places you rarely go -- it will change your life if you dig in a little.  Stop customizing.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I have three things off the top of my head. One, most everyone in the Bible drank wine. Sigh... Two, tithing...sorry...and I mean that. I just have a hard time with that. Yes, we should tithe 10%, but why just to the church? I am not sure there isn't a little wiggle room with that. Three, gay rights. We have had this conversation a few times. Interpretation of the Bible changes depending on the topic in hand. Why not that, too?

Ok, PK...I imagine you may have some thoughts on this...

Leaderj said...

Ever since I started focusing on eternity, well my whole perspective has changed. Why do we limit God by only giving 10%. When we open our hearts to Christ, we give it all. Remember the woman who gave 2 denari. Christ said she gave more than anyone, because it was all she had. Christ always spoke the truth. Why would we ever want to question that?