Sunday, September 8, 2013


It was an amazing joy to have Eric Samuel Timm in our Journey Church services all weekend.  The painting below was what he illustrated, drawing upside down for a few minutes and then up-ending it to reveal what you see here.

His book, "Static Jedi - the Art of Hearing God thru the Noise," is available on Amazon.  

From the book:
"Overthrowing Your Empire of Noise
Noise.  It's everywhere.  Televisions blaring our commercials.  Opinions shouted over the radio.  The internet and its unlimited distractions.  All the tasks and choices that you know don't really matter.  Always intensifying, becoming part of our everyday cycle, our now hurried lives.

But often, God speaks to us in the stillness.  When Elijah needed to hear from God, God sent a fire, a quake, and a huge wind.  But God wasn't in the fire.  He wasn't in the quake.  He wasn't in the wind.  God was in the whisper - but the noise hides the whisper.

Life is a dangerous place when we are stripped of our ability to hear God clearly.

During His time on earth Jesus Christ was a master of noise.  He balanced time, healing, teaching and feeding the multitudes with regular periods alone with His Father.  Static Jedi takes a look at the life of Jesus to help you master the noise and distractions and live in clarity."

How we need this.  Selah.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was amazing.... Thank you God for allowing me to witness. As Eric mentioned, there are no chance encounters. Thank you Journey Church.