Monday, July 29, 2013


As soon as we find the real Jesus we'll find that He says to us: 'I'm not your personal Savior.'

Before you freak out on me with that statement, let me explain.  Did Jesus forgive you personally?  Did He save you personally?  It isn't a trick question.  Of course He did.

But you don't own Him.  He doesn't belong to you.  That's backward.  You belong to Him.  You're a slave of His.  The New Testament says it over and over.  You're a slave.

'He doesn't belong to you ... you belong to Him.'

That means whoever Jesus loves, you love.  Whoever Jesus serves, you serve.  We don't tell Him, He tells us.  Because He says, "I'm not passing out Sunday school pens or Journey Church t-shirts this weekend.  I'm passing out crosses for people to sacrifice their lives on and then sacrificially reach out to people who need My love."

Who wants one?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I suppose there is no point in arguing the semantics in the Bible, but I am not very comfortable with seeing myself as a "slave" to Jesus. It sounds to me as if I don't want to be in that position, but I have no choice. I like to see myself as a "servant" to Christ. As if I "long" to serve Him. It makes me happy to serve and please Him. If I truly do have free will, I can happily choose to follow and obey God. Maybe there is no difference. It's just the way you "frame" the relationship with Him. Make sense?

PK's BLOG said...

As long as you are 'totally devoted,' call it what you want. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes I am! I love God! Truthfully, I feel humbled that He would choose me to be in His family, so how can I not want to make Him happy? :)