Saturday, July 13, 2013


This video was sent to me by a friend.  Go ahead and watch it ...

Striking, isn't it?

Most of the time you have to go thru a whole system of hooking, baiting, casting, waiting, reeling and netting before you make a catch.  It isn't all that common that the fish jump right into your boat.

On the other hand . . .

For every one of us on a boat of some kind - safe - secure - satisfied - there are ten people drifting - lost - unfulfilled - separated from God.  They're all people Jesus misses and they're around us every day, so much that I'm afraid we may have forgotten all about them.  But we mustn't.

You are destined to be on mission from God - a life preserver - a net - a boat - for a world that is drowning right within your reach.  You don't even have to extend your hand all that far in order to touch them.  If they were any closer, they'd be jumping right into your boat with you.

There is someone in your sphere of influence - someone in your circle of friends - someone who works next to you - someone on your block --- who desperately needs Christ.  They're so close you're practically stumbling right over them to get where you need to go every day.

I challenge you with this:  Even the most Christ-like believer on the planet will be completely ineffective unless he/she gets near fish who are far from God.  It's as simple as that.  They're jumping up out of the water and we pay almost no attention to them.  They're begging to be noticed.

As faith changes you, it changes the infrastructures where you work - where you live - where you play - wherever you operate in life.  If that happens in enough infrastructures, the possibilities for transforming entire neighborhoods, workplaces, communities, families, societies, nations even - are limitless.

Pull back on the engine.
Drive a little slower.
Watch the fish jumping.
Make your boat welcoming.
Reach out your hand ... and they will come.

And be blessed.

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