Saturday, September 29, 2012


I don't know if you've ever held a stone in your hand.  I have.

There is a woman in John chapter 8 that gets drug into the middle of a crowd by some men who have caught her in the act of adultery.  They all hold stones in their hands ready to punish her by death, according to the Law.

I've been in the church pretty much my whole life.  I love the church.  I really do.  I believe with everything inside me that it is the hope of the world - no doubt.  It stumps me, though, why churches produce so many stone-throwers.

Somebody breaks an unwritten, manmade code or rule - we pick up a stone.
Somebody has marriage problems - we pick up a stone.
Somebody is confused by their sexual orientation - another stone.
Somebody has a bad day - another stone.
Somebody has a different opinion - a stone.

'I don't know if you've ever held a stone in your hand.  I have.'

So there they are.  This adulterous woman -- her judges, with stones in hand -- and Jesus.  Jesus says: 'Go ahead and condemn her.  Toss your stone.  Just be sure you're sinless before you do.'  Then, an incredible thing happens.  One by one, they let go of their stones.  Before it's over, all the stones lay on the ground - untossed.

My question to us is this: Are there any stones we need to let go of - something against a mother or a father or a son or a daughter or a parent or a neighbor or a friend or a co-worker or a pastor or someone who's hurt you?

Put down the stone.

And when people come thru our doors looking for meaning - people who aren't like us - people who don't look like us - people who don't act like us - people who don't talk like us - people who don't think like us - people still carrying the weight of sin on their shoulder - people looking for belong - people needing grace - acceptance - love ---- let's not pick up stones.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally, something I think I am good about and I have handle on. Sometimes, I feel hurt or get angry, but I get over it before there is any need to pick up a stone. I don't hang onto it. It makes life so much easier.