Monday, August 6, 2012


We took our pastoral team to a well kept secret in the Zion/Beach Park area today.

A few months ago, I was privileged to perform the wedding of a couple in our church - Chance and Nancy - at a prayer garden just off Lewis Ave.  The setting is a couple of acres of land with woods, seating areas, crosses, flowers and a stream.

It has been dedicated as an outdoor prayer garden.  It's hard to find.  You can easily drive right past it without even knowing it's there - but it is.

So we took our team there to spend some time together in prayer today.  It's open to the public - if you can find it - and it's a gift to believers to go anytime and enjoy themselves.  The pic at right isn't the actual Zion prayer garden, but it has this same kind of atmosphere.

If you're interested in visiting sometime, drive south from Kenosha into Illinois on Lewis Ave (which is 39th Ave in Wisconsin).  Once you pass the Aurora Clinic on the east side of the road, you come to a small patch of wood chips.  That's the 'parking lot.'  The prayer garden is just behind the small grove of trees that boundary the wood chips.

I've met the owners of this garden and it's a completely public, free prayer park for anyone to use anytime.  Let me know if you go there.  Enjoy ...

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

That sounds favorite time to pray is when I walk out in the sunshine, so this sounds wonderful.

Elizabeth Henry said...

Now that I know it's open to the public, I will be going there. I pass it regularly on my drive home. - Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Haven't been there or seen my friends from there for quite a while... used to love to visit there with Jesus and friends.

Will have to do that soon!
