Thursday, February 23, 2012


I read some things by G. Surrat that so resonated with me that I could hardly sit still:

- That reaching non-churched people for the Kingdom should be a high priority.

- That just about any pastor who tries to do the above comes up against criticism from sincere, already-churched people that the Gospel is being dumbed down - that 'we want and need to be fed.'

- That the definition of Christian maturity needs re-defining - not measured by how much one knows, but by who one loves.

- That truly mature believers are almost impossible to offend because they always believe the best - they are patient with the growth process of others - they hardly notice when someone says or does something to rub them the wrong way - they rarely say a harsh word about another. 

Who loves that? 

Who wants to be that?

And be blessed.

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