Monday, June 27, 2011


I'm not easily distracted. After a weekend speaking in front of lots of people, I might have somebody approach and ask:
'Did that crying baby distract you?' And I'll say: 'What crying baby? There was a crying baby?' I'm just focused and zoned in.

My wife can have entire conversations with me only to find out I was looking straight at her but not listening one whit. I'm just focused and zoned in.

I can be driving down the street thinking about something important and go a couple of miles past my turn before realizing it. I'm just focused and zoned in.

A story is told of a centipede traveling across the grass. A mouse scooted up beside him and asked: 'You have so many legs, how do you know which one to put in front of the other?' To which the centipede answered: 'I don't know. I never thought about that before.' And as he began to consider all the possibilities, it distracted him so much he couldn't move forward one step.

I think sometimes the thing that distracts me the most is -- quite frankly - my pride. It wraps itself around my feet so I can't walk. It entangles my mind so I can't think straight.

Pride can take the form of entitlement, where we began to think we deserve things. It can take the form of over-confidence where we believe we're bullet-proof.

Humility isn't that natural for us humans - or maybe just for this human. In order for it to be developed in us, it must be intentionally planned and then consistently carried out until it becomes more natural. Humility is about serving and lifting up Christ. It comes when we discover the greatest joy is in giving life away.

And be blessed.

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