Thursday, March 3, 2011


Most of us have some kind of sense whether we're making more of a contribution or a withdrawal. If there are one hundred dollar bills and 100 people take one each, what do you have left? Right. Nothing. But if 100 people lay down one dollar apiece ... well, you get the picture.

So what if in every situation you made a commitment to making a greater contribution than a withdrawal - whether it was financial, emotional, relational, time-wise - in every way?

Picture a person whose every motivation, every word, every action is intended for the good of others. That is essentially Jesus' life. It wasn't that He was absent of needs, but He always gave more than He took. No one could ever rightfully accuse Him of consuming more than He contributed. And anyone who ever engaged Jesus in a relationship received far more than he ever gave back. When Jesus said He came not to be served, but to serve - translation was, 'I come to give, not to take.'

When you consume things, you are a materialist. When you consume people, you are a cannibal. Word is, Tyrannosaurus Rex was the ultimate consumer. He was always hungry. Anytime was a good time to eat and everyone Rex met was a potential hors d'ouvres. He was the ultimate 'taker.'

Unfortunately, Rex is proto-typical of human relationships. We see people as existing for our benefit - sometimes to be used and thrown away - sometimes to be drained and left as raisins. We often don't take time to nourish the other person.

We are called to be expressions of the goodness of God. Love becomes an unlimited stream flowing from our lives and our life with Him. We were made for this.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful concept and post. I may not have $100 to give, but I can and try to give that little encouragement, that smile and love. I need to do it more often, though. A dollar or five at a time, can make someone's day. With any luck, they might even pay it forward.

Anonymous said...

PK...I am so in need of Jesus. I know we have the Holy Spirit, but how do we get to Him? Is there anything you can tell me, or will I always be longing for Him?

I have pictures, I see His face, but I wish He were here to hug me and reassure me that it will be alright. I know I am a grown woman, but I can't do all of this alone.

PK's BLOG said...

We are all in need of Him desperately. And none of us can do it alone. There are people who can help you. I would suggest the loving and challenging group that meets Monday evenings at Freedom Seekers. They will change your life. Be blessed.