Sunday, September 26, 2010


I got a little unsafe this morning. Yeah, that's me up on a balance beam trying to deliver part of the message today. RISK.

Remember when you were a kid and - because your parents really LOVED you and had gone to some great lengths to HAVE you - and they didn’t want you DAMAGED - that they had all these HOUSE RULES so you wouldn’t hurt yourself?

SAFETY RULE #1 - ‘Don’t jump on your bed - you might fall off and crack your skull.’

SAFETY RULE #2 - ‘Don’t go swimming until 30 minutes after you eat or you might get a cramp and drown.’

SAFETY RULE #3 - ‘Don’t run with scissors. You could trip and poke an eye out.’

SAFETY RULE #4 - ‘Don’t run in the street or a car might come along and hit you.’

SAFETY RULE #5 - ‘Don’t play with your belly button or it might unravel and you’ll fly away like a balloon.’

There are safety rules in the church, too. Maybe they’re not taught formally, but they're practiced nonetheless:

SAFETY RULE #1 - ‘Church should be comfortable. Meet my needs, play it safe, and don’t get too risky with anything.’

SAFETY RULE #2 - ‘Don’t talk about CONTROVERSIAL issues. Don’t offend or upset anyone or make anybody mad.‘

SAFETY RULE #3 - ‘Don’t CHANGE anything. If it was good enough for our grandparents, it’s good enough for us.’

But when I look at the New Testament, there isn’t anything safe about that church. And maybe you’re saying right now, ‘Yeah ... a risky church ... that sounds awesome. I WANT that.’ But before you SAY that, know that there is an unseen side to being a risky church.

One of the unseen sides is that there is some pain involved sometimes. A lot of people come to God hoping to eliminate pain. But it’s a false illusion that if you come to Christ, everything’s going to be perfect 24/7. Jesus didn’t die on the cross just so we could have it comfy.

Another unseen side to the church is that it involves some loss. There are a lot of people at KFA who have said: ‘I miss some of the more traditional elements like we had at my former church - or like we used to have here years ago; I wish you had those here’ - or - ‘I wish we had those BACK.’

And actually - I know what you mean. I grew up in church and sometimes I feel the same. But there are some things I’m personally giving up because they don’t work quite as well in our present culture as they once did, even though I personally like some of those things ... even though I personally miss some of those things ... even though some of those things are still my preferences. I’m wiling to give them up for something I love even more ... and that is people far from God. It’s my loss for others' gain.

The Kingdom is about a little loss - it's about a little pain - it's about some self-sacrifice - it's about risk.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Wow....there are reasons gymnasts are so short. I never could have stayed up there. You are so cool! You never cease to surprise us.

I am person who loves to talk about controversial things. I hate having the "elephant in the room" and everyone sidesteps it. I don't see the point, when people are thinking about it and wondering about it.

I love your sermons and I will be buying this one tomorrow. Can't wait to see it! Way to go,'re awesome!

Anonymous said...

Being "risky" and being " effective" do not always mean the same thing. Having a church attendance of a couple of thousand does not always equate to effectiveness, either. Lately I have been attending a local church that is a good size but not near as large as KFA. There are no professionally made videos, no intricate stage lighting, no huge venues that are intended to draw 1000's. There is nothing terribly "risky" about the place. But I left last Sunday knowing the word of God, applying it to my life, and ready to share it with others. Simplicity can be effective...

PK's BLOG said...

I did not suggest that church attendance equated with effectiveness. I also believe that smaller churches can be tremendously effective for the Kingdom and I support those works. There is nothing inherently wrong with intricate stage lighting and professionally made videos either. Different strokes for different folks. That's why we're all out there doing God's work together - hopefully not in competition. That certainly wasn't my heart when I wrote this blog.

Simplicity and riskiness are not at odds with each other. I do not agree, however, that we should not be risky believers. The Gospel is full of believers taking risks in their lives for Christ on every page of the New Testament. We need to get out of our safe zone - in serving - in giving - in sharing our faith - and become the dangerous believers God has in mind for us to be.

Anonymous said...

It truly is different strokes, for different folks. I have only been at KFA for 3 years, but PK speaks my language. He is a thinker and challenges me at every turn to think deeper....whether it is his blog or his sermons. While I have much room to grow, I am quite certain, I would be completely floundering around as a Christian without his leadership.

I've been at a variety of churches throughout the years....and PK suits me the best. For me, that includes any pastor on television, too.

Unknown said...

I just want you to know that I think your teaching is awesome!!! I know that Jesus was RADICAL, a real Revolutionary... I think the early church ACTS 2-5 was very radical, and most people in today's society seem to think that was just something for that time. I know that still applies today, the church then was a true COMMUNITY! I wish the Chruch in America could get back to that. Love you Pastor Kevin...