Friday, August 15, 2008

SEEK - PT. 2

Writer Dave Fleming talks about pursuing things that are SURE. In other words ... 'much of what we experience has been built on apparent certainity. WE ... WANT ... TO ... KNOW! We want a SURE THING. We feel finding that is a divine right.'

Imagine a surgeon, just prior to giving the patient anesthesia, picking up a drill and announcing: "Does anybody know how to work this thing?"

Imagine a pilot, prior to takeoff, alerting the passengers that one of the engines has malfunctioned. "But hey - we still have ONE that works."

Imagine a presidential hopeful acknowledging the tremendous gravity surrounding our nation's problems and then squeaking out: "I'm not sure what to do, but over the next four years, I'll give it the ol' college try."

WE ... WANT ... TO ... KNOW! But when we approach the SPIRITUAL JOURNEY with the same solution-driven desire that marks the rest of our lives, it inhibits our ability to make that journey successfully. Many have turned spirituality into a sure thing - no questions - no doubts - no struggles - like a game show where all the answers are given ahead of time.

This does not resonate with the pathway of Christ. The narratives about Jesus portray Him as one who upset the confident and ignited this child-like wonder in those who could appreciate NOT KNOWING. It is ADVENTURE and TRANSFORMATION above ASSURANCE.

That does not mean, as we seek Him, there is not a confidence and assurance in Christ -- far from it. The Bible is clear about us having both. But it is not so much a confidence in CONCEPTS that we're told to believe --- but about a JOURNEY we walk and the One who is present to the journey.

THIS kind of walk actually INVITES us to be seekers ... to cultivate a heart that SEEKS ... CREATED to seek. Didn't Jesus say, "Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ... ?"

It's not about getting answers ... it's not about activity ... it's not about performance ... it's about meaning ... it's about purpose ... it's about community ... it's about loving ... it's about JESUS.

Aren't we SUPPOSED to seek Him? Jeremiah said it: 'And you will seek Me and you will find Me when you search for Me with all your heart - and I will be found of you.'

Then why all the discord about SEEKERS? I AM ONE. You're not? WHY not?

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I am a seeker, but I also get hung up on the rules I am supposed to live by as a Christian. I know there are rules, like the Ten Commandments. Am I worrying about it too much? I am just trying to avoid committing a sin. Are you basically saying that we should relax and wait to be led by the Holy Spirit? I'm a little confused...sorry. I thought the bible is filled with hard and fast rules to live by. Is that incorrect? Does the idea of the Age of Grace play a part?

PK's BLOG said...

Yes, the Bible is full of hard and fast directions and rules. But our focus is on JESUS, not on all the 'rules.' Focus on the rules takes us in a legalistic, Pharasiacal direction ultimately. It is CHRIST we seek. He will not lead us down the wrong path. The heart of this blog is that doubts and questions will arise and we don't need to be afraid of those or call our Christianity into question when they happen. Be blessed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you...that helps me so much! I just want more and more of Jesus. I'm glad that as long as I keep my eyes turned toward Him that everything will work out fine and I don't have to be concerned as much as I have been. I HAVE noticed that when I worry too much about "doing it all right" that my personal relationship with Him isn't as vivid and passionate. This helps a lot! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Great post! As Christians, we can get buried in laws, doctrine, structure, and even church. All these things have a place, but all are arguable even amongst evangelicals. Which Biblical laws do we follow? Do women wear hats in church or do they not? What should we eat? We know I could continue forever. The Bible is our guidebook but sadly we choose the portions that are comfortable to us and use those as law. Christ died so that the law simply became to love Him and others with our whole heart. Doctrine? There are basic principles we all must accept, but all denominations have various points of disagreement. Church and structure? I will leave that alone for the time being.

Ultimately, I want to be a questioner and a seeker. I fit that role a little to well for many hard and fast Christians :). I want to seek Christ, His will for me and us, and understand what I need to do to love all people (not mere talk, but down home, honest to goodness love). I want to question that which needs to be questioned. Not to be argumentative, but to advance His kingdom.

Christ taught in parables. They make us question if we read them, study on them, and think on them. I believe God is stirring the hearts of people to question and seek. That will surely rock the boat that many are in, but I am fine rocking that boat as long as God has the rudder!

Keep bringin' the great posts Kevin! I love them.

PK's BLOG said...

Church structure is necessary as long as we keep the red tape and organization in its proper place. A lot of people bemoan church structure as almost being anti-God in and of itself. I surely disagree. But when structure becomes the main topic of conversation most of the time, then we have reversed oars and are in major danger of drifting off course. But we can't leave structure in the dust.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree. Of course, we are given Biblical foundation for structure (pastors, elders, teachers, etc.) and we should, no need, to follow that. My comments may have came off as harsh, but they were anything but. My point is an echo of yours. We need to set our eyes on Christ and His desires and not the red tape and laws that man creates.

Anonymous said...

I am glad the answers are not right in front of me! Seeking is the greatest privilege and joy for a Believer! I am glad to say I AM A SEEKER!!! :~)