Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Somebody tell me what we're going to do about the mosquitoes this summer? Were you outside more than ten seconds today? If you were, you know what I'm talking about. I need a solution. "My Kingdom for a solution!"

With all the rain we've had this year, they're out in full swing with no end in sight, I'm afraid. I know I saw one today the size of a small fruit bat. I'm tempted to get out a giant fly swatter or tennis racket and start committing random, mass mosquito harey-carey like a crazy person, but so far I've resisted that. I have a reputation to keep.
There used to be a part of me that thought it was just wrong to kill anything God made. Not that I'm against killing say, ants and roaches and the like. It's just that people who stand on a sidewalk and start stepping on 100 ants with such unabashed glee --- something just seems OFF there, considering the big world God made for our enjoyment with everything serving a purpose. It's not the insect homicide that bothers me so much --- it's the pure JOY of the killing. Who's with me on that?
But while it's true I said there USED to be a part of me that thought it was wrong ... THIS SUMMER ... the summer of 2008 ... and me with a daughter's wedding scheduled outdoors in my backyard? I say, "whack away."
And be blessed.

1 comment:

LA Nickers said...

Trust me on this one . . . it's worse to be a horse. (Much bigger target area).

And June just happens to be FIGHT THE FILTHY FLY month.
