Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Still a couple of days to participate in the poll at left. I encourage you to take it. The poll relates to the May 30th blog. Thanks.

George Barna, pollster extraodinaire, has come out with a new study on internet usage ...

In the past week, 33% of computers have used instant messaging and 30% have sent someone a text message with their cell phone ...

23% of computer users have a personal webpage or a home page on a social networking site like MySpace or Facebook ...

14% say they have left a comment on someone's blog in the past week ...

10% of computer uses have a blog.

Where is the future of communication going? See the direction of these stats and then you be the judge. Let's stay current with the way our culture is moving so we can relate in meaningful ways.

Be blessed.


JCsings4Him said...

I took your poll...and, unfortunately, we do not live in a world where those who stand on the platform can have the same freedom in their wardrobe as those who grace our pews. At least in the eyes of a very platform-conscious board. :~)

I loved reading through your blog. :~)

PK's BLOG said...

Yeah - funny. Neither do we. HA! Hang in there, though. It's never been about the clothes, one way or the other - and most likely, it never will be. So wear your dresses and/or suits and/or whatever --- just keep showing the love of Christ. It will all come out in the 'wash.'

Anonymous said...

I have completely changed my whole closet since the 'platform color thing' has taken place. I honestly can tell you, I LOVE IT, my closet that is. It's a rainbow of fun now. All purples are together, all blues, all aquas, all black, all red, etc... However, I noticed yesterday I have NO yellow stripe in that closet. Wow, must be for 2 reasons: a.) I'm blonde. I wear yellow I look like a huge lemon! b.) the choir has NEVER had a 'yellow' Sunday!