Saturday, June 16, 2018


We've been given an inheritance because we've been adopted by God into His own family.

Hear it this way.

Mephibosheth is a very interesting Old Testament character and here's why.  

Saul is the first king of Israel.  He had a son named Jonathan.  Jonathan was a close friend of David, who would become the second king of Israel.  Saul hated David, even though his own son was David's best friend.  He was jealous of David because he thought David was a threat to his throne.  So he tried to kill David to get him out of the way, but Jonathan helped David escape the hand of his own father.

Complicated, right?

After both Saul and Jonathan die in battle on the very same day, David is eventually elevated as king of Israel.  And he asks if there is anybody from the house of Saul - the one who tried to kill him - who David could take care of for the sake of his friend, Jonathan.  There was one -- Jonathan's own son, Mephibosheth.

Interestingly, the name Mephibosheth means 'shameful one.'  I'm not sure why anyone would name their child that, but when Mephibosheth was only five years old, he was dropped by his governess and as a result he was lame and couldn't walk.

At the time David was looking for someone from Saul's house to care for, Mephibosheth was living in a place called Lo-Debar.  It was a town on the outskirts - a desert - ugly - not a place you'd ever brag about being from.  He's living in a barren place - empty - a location for outcasts.

And what does David do?  He calls Mephibosheth to him.  And Mephibosheth comes - hobbling, humbled, head down, fearful - thinking maybe he's going to be killed since he's part of the family that was so mean to David.

But David tells Mephibosheth he's going to give him an inheritance - all of his grandfather Saul's inheritance.

And David adopts Mephibosheth into his own family and he lets Mephibosheth eat at the king's table.  And the tablecloth of grace and adoption covers Mephibosheth's broken and wounded feet and spirit.

Friends, we are Mephibosheths.  Spiritually, we're outcasts.  We're shameful in our sin, emotionally crippled, seeking significance, searching for status, looking for grace, desperate for mercy, hungry for life.

Then God comes along and reveals to us what real life is about.  He shows us meaning and purpose.  He gives us Jesus.  He lets us eat at His table.  He shows us love.  He cares for us and showers us with grace.  He doesn't evaluate us by our broken feet or our wounds and scars.  His tablecloth of grace covers us and He adopts us into his family.

You are loved by God.
You are forgiven by God.
You are protected by God.
You are chosen by God.
You are accepted by God.

And be blessed.

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