Friday, April 6, 2018


There's a website out there called The Death Clock.

You put in information about yourself - height, weight, BMI, personal habits - then it tells you, based on your info, how many seconds you have to live.

I recently tried it.  The number it spit out for me was a little over one billion seconds left until I die.  Well, that didn't sound very comforting, but after I did the calculations I realized that was 35 more years, which would make me 70 when I die.


Here's the thing.  There aren't any guarantees.  Nobody knows how many seconds they have left.  I mean, that might be my number but then again, it might not be.

There's a link on that website that says 'Extend your day of death.'  Well, who doesn't want to do that?  So I clicked it and it takes you to a healthcare website that's all about exercise, vitamins, healthy eating, no chocolate or hot dogs ... so bogus.

I was thinking -- wouldn't it be great if there was a link that said 'Never die?'  You'd click on it and it would take you to John 11:25:  'I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will never die.'


And be blessed.

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