Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Not to be morbid about it, but you have a death date.  So do I.

There's a set amount of time given - and a set amount of time left - decided by God.  Pre-determined.  Only HE knows.

I think we forget that our days are numbered by God.

The truth is, whatever you think you have a lot of, you tend to squander.  But anything you think you have a limited amount of, you use wisely.

If you have a lot of money in the bank, you don't care if the lights stay on when you aren't home.  But if you're strapped to pay the utility bill every month, you're going, 'Shut the door!  Were you born in a barn or something?'

If the doc tells you have a month to live, you're going to spend those thirty days differently than if you thought you had thirty years to live.

James says:  'You do not know what tomorrow brings.  You are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.'  (James 4:14)

There's a death date for everybody.

'It is appointed for man to die once.  After that comes judgment.'  (Hebrews 9:27)

That's nobody's life verse.  You don't put that one on your fridge.  But it's still true.

Invest it wisely.

And be blessed.

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