Thursday, March 29, 2018


What the world says works and what the world says is right is going to collide with what the Bible says is good and right.

Is it going to be the Bible that says, 'This is how things work,' or will it be our experience that says, 'Nope, this is how it works?'

Let me just take my Bible and make it mean what I want it to mean.  Let me pull a Scripture out of absolutely nowhere and go, 'See!?'

Can God be trusted to lead us into the richest possible life?  If He can, then we must take the Word of God and apply it rather than our experiences.  Because God is God and because we're created, He's going to disagree with us - a lot.  Because God is eternal and we are not, there are going to be things that don't make sense to us.

In those moments, may our play be, "We'll submit to Your Word as it's written," and not go, "Well, golly - times are changing.  I think Jesus needs a little makeover."

Listen up.  To change Him is to be rid of Him.

Fully commit to Him and to His word.  Hold it fast in your heart.

And be blessed.

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