Sunday, February 4, 2018


Journey Church is going on a social media fast beginning tomorrow for one week.  

This will be my last blog post until next Sunday.

Craig Groeschel, who is the pastor of probably the largest church in America among all their campuses nationwide, has a declaration he makes every morning.  It's a personal creed.

Below is a variation of it.

You can get this creed as downloadable wallpaper for your iPhone by visiting or by downloading the church app  (search 'JRNYChurch') - or you can TEXT the keyword: @JRNYC to the number 81010.

You can also get our SPOTIFY Playlist for the week during this media fast, with enough songs to last you the week  (search 'JRNYChurch' for our Spotify account).


Jesus is first in my life.

My sins are forgiven by Jesus' death on the cross and by His resurrection from the grave.

I exist to serve Him and glorify Him.

I love my wife and I will lay down my life to serve her.

I love my husband and I will put him first to honor and respect him.

My children will love God and serve Him with their whole hearts.  I will nurture, cherish, equip, train and empower them to make a difference in God's Kingdom.

I am growing closer to Jesus and am being filled with the power and fruit of the Spirit day by day.

I am anointed, empowered and called to reach people far from God.

My words, actions, thoughts and imaginations are under the power of God.

I wake up every day with fresh purpose, direction and meaning.

The world will be different because I am a servant of the Most High God.

I have a place in heaven reserved for me forever.


Remember, don't just STOP doing stuff.  Replace it with something good.

Read the Word.
Put on some good Christ-honoring music.
Do the Philippians 4:8 TEST.  Filter your thoughts through that text.

Enjoy the week fasting social media and other media.

See you next week.

And be blessed.

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