Tuesday, September 19, 2017


This past weekend I pulled out a drum and a couple of drumsticks and beat the rhythm to a few popular songs:

Sweet Home, Alabama
Hey, Jude
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
Happy Birthday to You

... just to see if our Journey folks could identify the songs by their rhythm only.

Nobody could.  Crickets.

This was an actual experiment done years ago at Stanford University.  They found the listeners were only able to identify the song 3% of the time.  The interesting thing was that the 'tapper' thought they would be able to guess at least 50% of the songs correctly.

In fact, as I was tapping out Happy Birthday, I was thinking:  'They have to hear this.  How can they not tell this is 'Happy Birthday' I'm tapping right now?'

This whole concept is called The Curse of Knowledge.  Once you know something you find it hard to imagine what it's like not to know it.

Jesus says, 'I want you sent to the world.  Go tell them.  Play the song.'

Because there's no other way they're going to hear.  There's no other way they'll ever know the song.  It's in your head but it isn't in theirs.  We have to tell them.

And be blessed.

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