Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Think about what you think about.

Over the past month, were more of your thoughts worrisome or were they peaceful - the majority?

Were you at all worried about your health - about your credit card - about your children - about your marriage - about your cat that ran away and you were worried he might come back?
Or were you generally secure in the promises of God?  Not that you weren't occasionally bothered, but you generally experienced peace this past month, even in the middle of some challenge.

Which was it?  Worrisome or peaceful?

Think about what you thought about.

Were your thoughts more negative or positive?  If only I was married -- If only I had that other job -- if only I had kids -- if only I had different kids . . .
Or did you generally believe the best about things this past month - believing God is bringing a good outcome in your life?

Which was it?  More positive or negative?

Think about what you thought about.

How about worldly versus eternal thoughts?  You thought more about your next car or your next house or your next selfie rather than thinking about people far from God or how you might leverage your stuff to impact the Kingdom of God.

Which was it?  More temporal or eternal thoughts?

Think about what you thought about.

If you're more concerned with negative thoughts and worrisome thoughts and worldly thoughts, that means your life is moving that direction.  If you're consumed with peaceful, positive, eternal thoughts, your life is moving that direction.

Your life always moves in the direction of your strongest thoughts.

And be blessed.

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