Sunday, March 26, 2017


A lot of people have a firm belief in God.  I hope you do.  But the same number of people who have a firm belief in God should have a firm belief in love.

Because if you believe in God but you don't believe in love, you have a huge problem.  If God exists and He's all-powerful and He's all-knowing and He's all-present and this great Creator of the universe isn't love, you're done.  Finished.

In fact, if God isn't love, explain the way we get to act toward Him.

If He wasn't love, do you think for a moment He'd tolerate us saying He doesn't exist?  If God exists and He isn't love, do you think He'd allow us to live so directly in defiance to His will - if He isn't love?

The truth that we can live our lives without Him if we choose is proof that He's love.

The reason we get one more chance and one more opportunity and one more breath and one more mistake is because God is love and that love never stops pursuing us.

God is love.

And be blessed.

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