Sunday, December 4, 2016


Some people want a guarantee before they obey God.

"God, once You promise me it's going to work, then I'll do it."

But God says: "That doesn't require any faith.  I want you to believe when you don't see it - and I want you to obey when you don't understand it."

Every single time God tells you to do something, it's a test of who you're going to believe -- God, or what you think is the right thing?

I'll be real about it -- some of God's commands seem unreasonable -- some of them are certainly inconvenient -- others seem flat out impossible.  But they're there for our benefit because our Heavenly Father knows best.

Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you to do something that made no sense to you?  And you thought, 'What do they know?  They're old.'

Now looking back, can you see any wisdom in what they were saying?  We all can.

God is wiser than your parents.

So when God says, 'When people hurt you and abuse you and misuse you, forgive them,' does that sound like the right thing to do to you?  But because God said it, it's right.

You're building your faith and that's the foundation of a great life.

And be blessed.

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