Thursday, October 6, 2016


Be willing to give everything.

I don't know if you've ever put a definition to the word 'everything' - or needed to - but I'm pretty sure that means the car, the house, the furniture, the dishes, the doilies, the salt & pepper shakers - everything.

There's an account in the Bible where a guy asks Jesus how to get eternal life.  Jesus' answer is startling:  'Sell everything and give it to the poor and come follow Me.'


Sell it all.  Give it away.

I've heard people interpret this passage by saying what Jesus was really calling this guy to do was to be willing to sell everything -- not to actually do it.

The only problem with that interpretation is that it's wrong.

If Jesus had meant to be willing to give everything He'd more likely have said:  "Be willing to give everything.'

Why must we twist that?

Could that rich guy have said, "Well, I'd sure be willing, Jesus?"  

Yes.  That fits a way more fun version of Christianity.  I'm willing.

Who'd be WILLING to do that if Jesus asked you to right now?

And if you'd agree that in this case Jesus was actually asking this guy to sell it all and give it away, then we have to ask if He'd ever say that to you or me?  And if your first thought to that in your heart is reasons why He probably wouldn't say that, you need to be careful.

Because the follow up question to that follow up question is: 'If Jesus did say that to you, how would you respond?'

The reality is that it would be very easy to say, 'I'd be willing.'  Because we all know there's a huge difference between 'I'm willing' and 'I will.'

And be blessed.

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