Sunday, October 9, 2016


Your life is not primarily about what happens with your externals.  It isn't that your externals aren't important - they sure are - but it's the internal transformation that matters.  That then impacts your external.

What happens when a faith family of several thousand people goes to Jesus - the One who cares more about the lost and hurting than we can ever begin to - and those thousands submit their lifestyles, habits, thoughts and words in ways that God is glorified?

What happens?

I'm convinced the windows of heaven are poured out on the people of God in ways we've never fathomed.

God doesn't want to strip you of all your pleasure.  Don't think that.  He wants to satisfy you with His treasure.  Which do you want - your pleasure or His treasure?

Because if our situation ever becomes that we're people in a faith community running after the very same externals the world is running after because our internals aren't that much different - if that happens it will be a sure sign that we don't have a clue about the treasure that's over here.

Because if we did, we throw it all down.  I mean right now we would.  We'd throw it down with joy.  Because brothers and sisters we have a treasure.  We've found something worth losing everything for.

And be blessed.

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