Tuesday, October 25, 2016


When Adam fell there were all kinds of manifestations that resulted, and even yet today we're all fallen.  And without God to help us redirect, we'll all continue to fail.

Oh sure, there'll be some rich failures - some Benz-driving failures - but they'll be failures because none of that is success with God.

Money and success don't make you better; they just make you more of what you were before.

So if you were a whorish man when you were broke and then you got some money, you can just do it better now.  If you were hateful when you were broke, now that you're rich, you're just twice as nasty.  Those things just make you more of what you already were.

So your prayer has to be, 'God, give me the information that sets my mind and heart free from my idols and free from my past.'

To get there you may have to delete your entire mental data base -- delete, delete, delete, delete -- free up your hard drive so God can do a new thing in you -- learn to do everything differently.  But if we develop this idea of being renewed in our minds, we'll never be the same.

And be blessed.

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